April 1982

“Feedback,” New Era, Apr. 1982, 3


Just a prayer away

I really enjoyed “The Quiet War” in the October New Era. It helped me to realize the power the adversary can have. It also reminded me that help can be just a prayer away.

Elder Gary Bosklopper
Colorado Denver Mission

The right part of me

Thank you for the wonderful magazines that we receive. My name is Petra, and I am 16 years old. The New Era seems to lift my spirits up when I feel down. I really loved the story “Out of Darkness Came Light” by Thomas J. Griffiths in the June 1981 issue. Every time I read it, I seem to burst into tears. It gets to the right part of me. It has strengthened my testimony of the Church. Our branch is small, so we usually all get a chance to share our testimonies. Whenever I have trouble, the New Era always seems to have the answers I need. I truly hope this magazine will be around for my children.

Petra Mills
Beneree, New South Wales, Australia

A place for the Lord

I’m not a Mormon, but my uncle and aunt in Decatur, Illinois, are. Each year as part of my Christmas present, they have given me a subscription to the New Era. I’m a nursing student and find it hard to get home often, so when I get a copy of this magazine, it brightens up my day. Over the years I’ve come to appreciate the interesting articles and information in each issue, and on occasion I have used the recipes included. My last batch of chocolate chip cookies (from a recipe in the New Era) went to Germany to my little brother for part of his Thanksgiving gifts.

In the last few years I’ve had some trouble deciding whether or not I believe in God and what part religion will play in my life, but several of the inspirational messages have made me rethink my position on life. While I don’t know if I will convert to Mormonism, the closeness of my relatives, especially my uncle and aunt, have made me realize how important togetherness and believing are to me now and have made me realize that there is a place for the Lord in my heart.

Mormonism and the New Era help even those of us who do not belong to the Mormon church. Thank you for such an interesting and good-filled publication. It makes the lives of those who read it much richer.

Julianna M. Church
New Haven, Connecticut

A joy comes over me

I just want to say thanks for the New Era. I love it! A joy comes over me when I walk in from school and see the New Era sitting on the table. It seems like it’s just waiting for me to read it. It teaches me a lot of things, and I’m so glad because I need it! I’m only 13, and I’ve been getting the New Era for only one year, but I love it! I hope to receive it and its teachings for a long time.

Deby Manning
Houston, Texas

In His arms again

The New Era is really an uplifting magazine. I especially enjoyed the article by Anna M. Bajerska entitled “In His Arms Again” (November 1981 issue). Even though I am not a convert to the Church like Sister Bajerska, it still touched my soul because one day I would like to return and be “in His arms again.”

Tracie J. Edwards
Cedar City, Utah

Gail the granola gourmet

The recipes for cookies and other junk foods to be sent to missionaries (October 1981 New Era) were not appreciated by me. Wheat bread and gourmet granola would be much better and would be easier to send.

Gail Ann Maule
Aliea, Hawaii

A smart cookie

Thank you very much for the tips in “That’s How the Cookie Doesn’t Crumble” in the October issue. My mother and I were wondering what to send to my brother who is serving a mission in Italy and how to get it there safely. Thank you also for this great magazine, especially the Jack Weyland stories. He is a fantastic writer!

Kim Wilson
Walnut Creek, California

Worth all those diapers

I am a 16-year-old girl living in northern Alberta, Canada. As a result of my babysitting, I have been able to receive the New Era regularly for the first time this year. I find that when I read it, I can hardly put it down. And normally I hate to read. The New Era gives me strength in my life. To read about other LDS youths going through struggles like my own encourages me to choose the right. I love the Church and the chance to relate to other LDS youth my age through reading the New Era. It is worth changing all those diapers for!

Florence Amundsen
Valleyview, Alberta, Canada

A very happy person

I have always wanted to write to the New Era just to say thanks for this special magazine. I really enjoy receiving it each month. I especially like to read Feedback to know how others feel about the magazine and about the Church. It helps me to share my testimony with others and to let them know just how much I love the gospel. Thanks to all of you who have written to Feedback for sharing your testimonies with me. I have cerebral palsy, and having this magazine in my life has made me a very happy person.

Carol D. Abel
Tremonton, Utah

The New Era for lunch

I’m writing this just to let you know what a truly great magazine the New Era really is. There are times when I feel really down and depressed. All I have to do is pick up the New Era and start reading, and I have a whole new outlook on life. At this time in my life I feel especially close to the gospel and my Heavenly Father, and the New Era brings me closer still. I work at an elementary school where another woman and myself are the only members of the Church. It makes it really hard to remember who you are. But I take my New Era, and on my lunch hour I read as much of it as I have time for. I appreciate every word.

Ellen Kendall
Casa Grande, California

An important teacher

Since I have been on my mission, I have read the New Era often. It has helped me gain spirituality and confidence. The New Era contains articles and stories written by people from all over the world. This is important as it helps us to better understand cultures from other lands. I have really experienced that on my mission here in New Zealand where there are many cultures from Polynesia and Europe. The New Era has helped me gain a greater awareness of these. It has also helped me learn the gospel. My father is a nonmember and my mother is inactive, so the New Era has been an important teacher. Stories and articles by those my age from all over the world have strengthened my testimony. I am currently serving in Temple View. It is great to be near the temple and so many Saints. I come from an area where there aren’t too many members, so this is really different for me. I call it “New Zealand’s version of Utah.” The students at the Church College of New Zealand also really love the magazine as they can easily relate to it. All in all, the New Era has been a really great blessing to me. Thanks so much for touching my life.

Elder David Defenelis
New Zealand Auckland Mission
