An Instrument in Thy Hands
August 1982

“An Instrument in Thy Hands,” New Era, Aug. 1982, 21

An Instrument in Thy Hands


Second-Place Hymn

1. As Alma yearned in ancient days,

I, too, desire to be

An instrument in thy hands, O Lord,

In bringing souls to thee.


An instrument in thy hands, O Lord!

A tool of strength and worth.

An instrument in thy hands, O Lord!

In building thy kingdom on earth.

2. So purge, refine, and purify,

And tame my willful heart

That I may be fit to serve thee well,

And sacred truths impart.


3. And may thy Spirit’s holy power

Be always close to me.

May thy work be my work ev’ry hour

In bringing souls to thee.


Copyright © Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All rights reserved. Making copies of this music for use within the Church is permitted.


Photo by Laird Roberts
