August 1982

“Smiles,” New Era, Aug. 1982, 25


The world’s a smile

and we are smiling inhabitants

with people smiles

free-movie smiles

top-of-the-Ferris-wheel smiles

hi-there smiles

well-hidden I-know-you-saw-me smiles

half-hearted winter’s-coming smiles

you’ve-got-to-be-kidding smiles

shy little sister smiles

refrigerator’s-full smiles that make you smile

in a midnight milk and cookie sort of way

uncomfortable welfare-line smiles that never fit right

not-in-the-mood-to-smile smiles that never reach the eyes

smirking smiles

sneaky smiles that want to be grins

remember-the-time smiles

smiling at people who walk in the rain

smiley-button smiles

laugh-with-me smiles and cry-with-me-too smiles

life smiling

you smiling at me smiling

one smile …


Photos by April VanDever
