September 1982

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1982, 3


All it stands for

I truly appreciate the New Era and all it stands for. From it I learn to enjoy and understand eternal principles. It brings me closer to my brothers and sisters as well as my Elder Brother and my Father. I was baptized on May 4, 1980. I love my prophet, my leaders, my family, and my God.

I have the wonderful experience of helping a dear friend come to know the gospel. She is not allowed to join the Church because of her father’s feelings, but her mother is a member. She has one of the sweetest spirits I know. I would like her to have this magazine, so I have enclosed my check for a subscription for her.

Through the New Era I have a vision of my future. It confirms the special truths revealed in my patriarchal blessing and strengthens my desire for a celestial life. I want to say how much difference this magazine has made in my life. It has the right message at the right time. It is inspirational, and it shows the love and compassion that exist between younger and older Saints. Keep it up!

Britt Marie Haroldsen
Mountlake Terrace, Washington

The courage to keep trying

The April 1982 issue of the New Era arrived yesterday, and it had such an impact that I find myself, in the midst of a very busy day, sitting down to let you know how I feel. I am the mother of six children from 3 to 14 years of age. My oldest son has only been in the New Era age group for a couple of years, but my husband and I have subscribed for a long time, because we have always gotten so much from it. The New Era is so direct—it’s messages are so simply yet powerfully expressed—that I almost always read it from cover to cover as soon as it arrives. I am always spiritually fed.

But this issue contained “Taking upon Us His Name” by Ardeth Kapp, and that is what has prompted me to write. It is one of the most profound articles I have ever read concerning the way to truly live the gospel, and I thank Sister Kapp with all my heart for being the kind of person she is and for taking the time to write her thoughts and feelings and inspirations so movingly. It is true, as she mentions, that Heavenly Father usually answers our prayers and needs through another person—and in this case he answered mine through her.

I have had some very discouraging times lately in my efforts to overcome personal weaknesses, and I have found myself wondering why the struggle is so hard and whether it really is possible to succeed. Sister Kapp has made me see the situation in its proper eternal perspective and has given me the courage to continue trying. Thank you for including such an exceptional article in your publication. I know that the New Era is inspired. Please know that it is doing great works.

Sydne R. Miles
Walnut Creek, California

Someone by your side

The articles in the New Era help strengthen me by telling me about other young people—their strength and growth in the Church as well as their struggles, tragedies, and accomplishments. Sometimes I have trouble making sure I don’t go along with some of the things kids around me say and do. But when Elder Hinckley wrote in the April 1982 Message that “there will be many hands to help you find your way back. There will be hearts to warm your own,” he made me think of how many people in my life have helped me. I want other young people to know that though they may not realize it, there is probably someone by their side helping them find their way back.

Kris Heidenreich
Platteville, Wisconsin

That’s wonderful!

I was really inspired when I read the article “Does Kathy Let it Stop Her?” in the November 1981 issue. Kathy could always be depended on no matter what. Kathy was declared legally deaf and had a speech impediment, but she didn’t let it stop her! That’s wonderful! What a special person she is! I hope that I will be able to do whatever is asked of me, because I love being a member of the Church, and I try to attend all my meetings. I always want to be a good Mormon! I am thankful for the New Era. It’s a wonderful magazine. I always read and enjoy it. I like the stories in it. They answer a lot of questions about the Church. Keep up the good work!

Edith Box
San Antonio, Texas

As it is

The first article I saw in the March 1982 New Era was “Missionaries in San Francisco” by Brian K. Kelly. When I told some of the missionaries here in San Francisco about the article, they were also excited, and I’ve promised to bring them my copy. Brother Kelly really pictured their work as it is, including all the different cultures and languages. It is an exciting and interesting article. Those of us who live here know that it is also the truth. It shows things the way they are. Thank you for a fine article.

Ina Fechser
San Francisco, California

The most

Five of our eight children are old enough to enjoy the New Era. I think, however, that I enjoy it the most. The articles are always timely, and no matter what my problems at the moment, they always help me. I really enjoy the talents of the youth. I’ve just been rereading the August 1979 contest issue. Excellent! I’m grateful to our inspired leaders for the New Era. It helps to make our way a little easier.

Elma C. Palmer
Ignacio, Colorado
