October 1982

“Feedback,” New Era, Oct. 1982, 3


Superb, positive, magnificent

I greatly appreciate the splendid article in the June New Era about the Air Force Academy and the LDS students enrolled there. My wife and I have reread the story many times and glow with pride over the way in which it presents the students, the academy, the Church, and the Church members. The cover layout and all the other photos are superb. The article is positive, interesting, and enthusiastic. Above all, it offers encouragement for living clean, God-fearing lives full of mental, physical, and spiritual industry.

We have received many fine compliments from neighbors near and far about this feature. You may wish to know that our son Guy Neddo, who was mentioned in the article, has been made a zone leader in the Hong Kong Mission. He has enjoyed phenomenal success in his mission, with as many as seven or eight baptisms in a month’s time. The Lord has truly blessed him and answered our prayers that he be able to bless many with the gospel.

Thank you once again for this article. It was magnificently done.

Roger C. Neddo
Malta, Idaho

We lived the story

Thank you for the articles concerning the Latter-day Saint youth at the United States Air Force Academy. We who lived the happenings Brother Romney wrote about deeply appreciate the New Era’s recognition of those Latter-day Saints who choose to serve their country in the military. The value of their missionary labors cannot be ignored. There has been such a favorable response thus far to your story that the time is right to organize an alumni association. Anyone who attended the academy, was involved as a sponsor family, or served as a member of the faculty/staff is eligible.

Further information is available from Lt. Jared Afton, 463 West 3400 South, Bountiful, Utah 84010, or from Virgil Kovalenko at 4334 South 2950 East, Holladay, Utah 84117.

Thanks again for your support.

Virgil Kovalenko
Holladay, Utah

Far from the heart

Living in Cape Town, so far from the “heart” of the Church, I consider it a joy to receive the New Era every month. It has such a great influence on my life and, I am sure, on the lives of all those who read it. Thank you for the effort and prayer that go into making this magazine such a tower of strength, spirituality, and encouragement. I think that “A Celestial Missionary” in the June 1980 issue was the best article I have ever read. I will remember Elder Tolman’s dedication during my forthcoming mission.

Amanda De Lange
Cape Town, South Africa

A part of it

My dad is in the foreign agricultural service. I’m 15 years old and have lived all around the world since I was 4. I want to thank you for “Be Where the Lord Can Find You” in the May issue. We’ve been living in South Africa for a year and a half now. My sister and I go to a very strict, all-girl, English prep school, so we can sympathize with Elder Backman’s experience. There are three stakes here, and plans are being made for a temple to be built. I think it’s great that the gospel can be found in so many places around the world and that I can be a part of it.

Laura Williams
Pretoria, South Africa

Wild blue yonder mother

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the article “Into the Wild Blue Yonder” in the June issue of the New Era. As the mother of two cadets mentioned in the article, I took a personal interest. I know the story will be a great help to the LDS Cadet Group at the academy. Knowing that it is possible to attend the academy and still serve a mission will bring a higher percentage of active LDS cadets to the academy. The new 18-month missions will also be a help to those desiring to serve missions prior to entering the academy. Just think how much more missionary work will be done at the academy in future years!

The article stated that each member of Congress is allowed to have only ten nominees at the academy at any given time. As you’ve probably been told by now, that should read four appointees. Cody Carr (Utah) had a principle nomination, meaning he didn’t have to compete with other nominees for the one appointment his congressman had vacant that year. Normally, each congressman will nominate ten for his yearly vacancy. Each congressman usually has one appointee in each of the four classes, so there is usually one vacancy per congressman per year.

Thank you so much for a well-written article and the much-needed publicity for the academy.

Lana Gale Esplin
Malad City, Idaho

A super job

Congratulations on a super job! The Air Force Academy graduation story in the June New Era was outstanding. Naturally, as bishop of the Academy Ward I have some bias about the story and the people involved. The story captured the mood and feeling of these outstanding young men and women. I’m sure more and more of our cadets will make a mission a part of their lives. Maybe now the academy will consider letting them take a leave of absence for 18 months rather than expecting cadets to resign.

Duane C. Slocum
Colorado Springs, Colorado
