October 1984

“Feedback,” New Era, Oct. 1984, 3


Ramon at the crossroads

I was touched by all the great messages in the November 1983 issue of the New Era, especially the article “Crisis at the Crossroads” by Elder Thomas S. Monson. I am so grateful for that article. It is very timely because right now I am at the crossroads of life. I will apply it in making decisions throughout my life. I know a lot of people, young and old alike, will be guided in meeting their crossroads. Thank you so much for a great magazine. MABUHAY!

Ramon Baraquiez
Makati, Manila, Philippines

I didn’t want to go

I was sitting down at the dinner table trying to find something else to go with my lunch when my eyes glanced across the mail, which was sitting close to my plate. I noticed a magazine with the top blocked off by bills and other mail. I looked closer and recognized one of the people on the front cover. I quickly forgot about lunch and pickled up the magazine. Just as I thought, it was the New Era. I exclaimed to myself, “They finally put the article about my youth conference in the New Era!” I flipped through the pages, trying to anticipate what the article was going to be like. When I found it, I started to read. I soon was blocked out from the rest of the world with my memories of this wonderful youth conference. I remembered how much fun I had had and how I hated to leave. And then I thought to myself, “And to think I didn’t really want to go.” I’m so thankful I didn’t stay home. Like Charmaine said, it is something that I will never forget.

I am so thankful the New Era decided to print an article on this conference. I will keep this issue close to my heart to remind me of the fun I had when I was a youth.

Rodney Read
Hawthorne, California

Memory jogging

It’s interesting to see and feel the effect that a story can have on one’s soul. Many thanks to Alma J. Yates for the story “Roses Twice” in the May 1984 New Era. Although it was fiction, I imagine there are many mothers and fathers whose memories were jolted to recall the good things their children have done.

We have three boys who presented us a gift of $1500 when two of them were 17 and one was 15. They scrimped and saved to present this to us on our anniversary so that we could buy a badly needed carpet for our living room. We added a little money of our own and were able to carpet the whole house. These boys were saving for missions, paying for car insurance, and buying their own clothes.

Yes, there are Hansen brothers all over the world I’m sure. Thanks for jogging our memories and for the beautiful stories and uplifting messages in the New Era every month.

Diane Hale
San Jose, California

The homecoming

When the long-awaited mail arrived today, the first thing that caught my eye was the cover of the March 1984 New Era. Being a member of the U.S. Navy and having been away from home for four months, I immediately turned to the article “The Homecoming.” As I read each paragraph, memories and dreams flashed through my mind while tears of love filled my eyes. The story captured the true love and excitement that exists for those who sail the world’s seas. The love of the Church members has been extended to our eight LDS members. Even though three or four countries we’ve visited have non-English-speaking people, we have been welcomed into the homes and wards of the Church members.

Only by having services on Sunday and LDS group discussion during the week while at sea have we been able to strengthen ourselves and share thoughts of our homecoming, when we can again be with our families. It’s feature articles like “The Homecoming” that enlighten those who haven’t experienced such an event as well as strengthening and uplifting those who have. Thank you, New Era.

B. S. Frampton
USS Mauna Kea

A better month

I really enjoyed the May 1984 issue. It had so many uplifting articles, and it helped me have a better month. I love receiving the New Era. The articles are so neat, and I really love the fiction stories. I look forward to reading the one in every magazine. I hope all LDS kids have the opportunity to read the Church magazines. Please continue publishing this great magazine. I’ve heard nothing but good reports about it, except that the boys here won’t read it. I’m sure that if they started they would really enjoy it.

Kimberli Toone
Richfield, Utah

Overcoming discouragement

Thank you for the article “Overcoming Discouragement” in the March 1984 New Era. It helped me overcome my discouragement at the time I received that issue.

Lacey Haymore
Broderick, California


I have read the New Era from cover to cover for many years, and I really enjoy it. Throughout my life this beautiful magazine has brought me closer to my family and, most of all, my Heavenly Father.

When I first came out on my mission, I wasn’t receiving the New Era, and I felt that something was missing. But I am now receiving it once again, and it makes my life more complete.

I enjoy each article that is published, and it seems they are always meant especially for me. It is also a great tool for missionary work. Our investigators love them! Thanks so much.

Sister Pamela Baldwin
New York Rochester Mission
