undefined undefined FYI: For Your Information
FYI: For Your Information
November 1984

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Nov. 1984, 33

For Your Information

The worship most acceptable to God comes from a thankful and cheerful heart.


Winning Act

Three brothers walked away with first prize in the Grand Prix de la Chanson Eurovision 1984. The competition is an important one in Europe, receiving extensive television coverage and generating much interest since each of 19 countries sends one performing group to the competition.

Per, Richard, and Louis Herrey, originally of Sweden but now living in Los Angeles, California, returned to their native country and won the right to represent Sweden at the international competition. At the competition, which took place in Luxembourg, the Herrey brothers took first prize home for Sweden.

Prior to their victory, the boys had received other awards. Per, who served a mission in Chile, was selected to participate in an international song contest in Chile. He sang an original composition. Richard has danced in seven episodes of the television show Fame.

Following their victory, the brothers will tour Sweden and Europe and prepare the songs they want to use in cutting a record album.

The Herrey family is active in the Westwood Second Ward, Westwood California Stake.

Essay Winner

Jason Richardson of the Battle Creek Second Ward, Kalamazoo Michigan Stake, took first-place state honors in the Sons of the American Revolution essay contest.

Jason had to submit his genealogy and write a 500-word essay on some important event or person in the American Revolution and fill out an application telling of all his activities in Scouting. He will go on to the national competition.

Conferences and Encampments for Young Men and Young Women

Conferences and encampments (including Scouting) for young men and women should not be planned on a multiregional basis. This same policy applies to activities for single adults. Activities are generally more effective if they are held on a local basis and if unusually large numbers of participants are not involved. Regular local activities, well planned and administered, meet needs better than those carried out on an occasional basis on a larger scale.

Any proposed activities that extend beyond the regional level must be approved by the appropriate area presidency and approved in the executive council to which the area presidency reports, and in the Priesthood Executive Council.

Speaking Out

Bryce J. Yerman of the Paradise Third Ward, Chico California Stake, is a state finalist in both the Lions Club Speech Contest and the American Legion Oratorical Contest.

An Eagle Scout, Bryce has taught rock climbing at his Scout camp, has been a foreign exchange student to West Germany, and has served as a class officer for all three years of high school. Bryce also served as his seminary class president and as first assistant to the bishop in his priests quorum.

Harvard Stand-out

Bentley J. Tolk, now a pre-law student at Harvard University, was the senior class vice-president of his high school. He also was a representative to Boys’ State and received a League of Women Voters’ scholarship. Recently, he received his Eagle, mapping a cemetery and gathering and recording information regarding the site as his Eagle project.

Bentley is a priest in the Morristown Ward, Morristown New Jersey Stake.

Student Princess

Although one might associate Heidelberg, Germany, with the light opera The Student Prince, the city is now the home of Audrey Ann Gurr.

Audrey’s parents are stationed in Germany with the military. She attends the Heidelberg American High School, where she served as president to a student body of 600. She was captain of the varsity volleyball team and a member of the varsity basketball team.

Audrey served as seminary president, Laurel class president, and ward choir pianist in the Heidelberg Servicemen Ward.

Young Senator

Susan Wheeler of Swink, Colorado, was one of two high school students representing her state at the United States Senate Youth Program in Washington, D.C. The students were selected on the basis of outstanding ability, leadership, and a written essay.

Susan was vice-president of the student body. She also coedited the school annual and newspaper. She has been a National Honor Society member and served as president of her chapter. She was in Future Business Leaders of America. She participated on the volleyball and track teams.

Susan is a member of the Rocky Ford Branch, Pueblo Colorado Stake, where she was president of her Laurel class and has taught Primary.

Language Whiz

Pamela Phillips of the Kennewick Fifth Ward, Kennewick Washington East Stake, was recognized for her foreign language ability by the United States Achievement Academy. Pamela also serves in the presidency of her Laurel class.

Grand Champs

Linda and Dian Turner of the Bedford Ward, Thayne Wyoming Stake, won the Wyoming 4-H grand championship in general demonstrations. Their presentation was on fine arts in 4-H and covered all areas of fine arts with an emphasis on music. Their closing number was a song Dian had written using words from her favorite Psalm.

Five Elected

In school elections at Placer Union High School in Auburn, California, five LDS youth were elected to positions by their peers.

The two young men elected president of their respective classes were Chad Coleman, freshman, and Travis Lawrence, sophomore.

Also elected were Karen Feist, homecoming queen; Susan Montague, junior princess; and Carma Watley, sophomore princess.

All five are from the Auburn Third Ward, Auburn California Stake.

Mexican Sunrise

Nearly 100 LDS youth and adults from northern Utah observed special Sunday services at a sunrise devotional in Chilpancingo, Mexico. The group was part of the Davis High School Symphony Orchestra on an eight-day, five-concert tour of Mexico. Following their concerts, students took the opportunity to present Spanish editions of the Book of Mormon to local dignitaries.

Also touring the area was a group of dancers from Alta High School in Sandy, Utah. Both the dancers and the orchestra were invited to appear on the top-rated entertainment television show in Mexico.

Eleven Eagles

The Dupaix family of Sandy, Utah, may have set some type of record. There are eleven Eagle Scouts in the immediate family.

Fred Dupaix earned his Eagle, and all ten of his sons have also earned their Eagle badges. Six of the ten sons and two of the three daughters have served missions, with others waiting to go.

First President

Dana Wimpee of the Chattanooga Valley Ward, Chattanooga Tennessee Stake, was the president of her school’s student council, the first girl to hold that position in her high school. She was also vice-president of her senior class and student representative to the school board.

Dana served as Laurel president and now serves as Young Women secretary. She is a member of the stake youth committee.

On the Ball

The Sandy 13th Ward, Sandy Utah West Stake, had a good year in church basketball competition. Their deacons team took first in stake play. Their teachers team took first in stake and second in region. Their priests team took first in stake and second in region. And their seniors team took second in stake and first in region.

Standing Tall

Richard Scott Hutchins of the Worcester Ward, Boston Massachusetts Stake, really stands out in a crowd. Not only is he a star forward on his high school basketball team, he also plays varsity football and is a top student.

Rich earned his Eagle Award and has since earned two palms as well as his On My Honor and Duty to God awards. He plays the piano and saxophone and rotates with another young man in his ward playing the organ for meetings. He enjoys working with his hands in construction and in the family’s three gardens.

Rich is the first assistant to the president in his priests quorum.