December 1984

“Feedback,” New Era, Dec. 1984, 3


Any small doubt

I’m a new member of the Church. In fact, in just ten days I will have been a member seven months, and I can honestly say they’ve been the best months in my entire life. I would like to express my gratitude to the New Era and the people who send in the stories published there every month. The stories, poems, and pictures have helped me live a better, happier life. I would like to especially thank Tory C. Anderson for the story “My Sister, a Mission, and Me” in the August issue. Ever since I’ve been a member of the Church I have been prompted by the Spirit to go on a mission after I had been a member a full year, and this story has really touched me. I cried through the whole story. The Spirit told me more than ever to strive and work harder to become a missionary. This story has put any small doubt I may have had out of my mind. I will always be grateful to Tory C. Anderson for helping me grow and feel the Spirit more.

Jacqueline Dawn Lewis
Norwalk, California

How I wish

I have been reading the New Era magazine since I became a member of the Church. I find it interesting and wholesome. How I wish I could have a monthly subscription to it. I like to read my favorite articles out loud. This magazine helps young men and women gain better knowledge than they could get from other kinds of reading materials. I like the articles for they are so inspiring as I read along. They indeed apply to my everyday life. When I am assigned to give a talk I use the New Era as my source of reference. I know it will continue to be of help to me in the future.

Jacquelyn N. Quilla
Iloilo, Philippines

So uplifting

I would like to thank you for the outstanding articles in the New Era each month. I really enjoy the New Era and look forward to its coming in the mail each month. The stories are so uplifting.

Natalie Dockstader
Preston, Idaho

All the Roberts

Right now I’m on the other side of the world serving in the Japan Sapporo Mission. The apartments here usually don’t get the New Era, but my loving mother always puts forth the extra effort to send a copy to me each month. When I get an issue I usually read it from cover to cover the night it comes, like I just did the issue I got today. The New Era always adds an extra little spark to my day, and brings out feelings that I’ve felt. I just wish that I had found it before my mission. It has always been in my home, but I seldom took the time to read more than an article or two. I wish there were some way I could tell all those “Roberts” out there what a support this magazine can be and how many questions it can answer. It’s really helped me here on my mission, and just think where I’d be if I had used its help before. Anyway, thank you for the great job you do in making the New Era. You’re part of the support troops of God’s army, bringing to the front the tools to combat Satan!

Elder Robert Schofield
Japan Saporro Mission

All the best

I really enjoyed reading the article about Henry Marsh in the July New Era. Being able to read about Brother Marsh and the experiences that he went through to get where he is now was great. I’m a new elder who just came out into the mission field. On my flight down to my mission in southern California, I had the opportunity to sit by Brother Marsh and talk a little with him. As I look at his accomplishments in athletics and professional work, along with his dedication to the gospel, he is a great example for me to follow as I fulfill my mission here in California. I would like to wish him all the best.

Elder Gary M. Gardner
California San Bernardino Mission

A disturbing cover

July’s cover was particularly disturbing to me. Couldn’t you depict the joy of family togetherness without showing the small boy smiling as he impales the poor fish with a spear? Both my husband and I felt the picture was in poor taste.

Yvonne Newman
Los Angeles, California

Editor’s note: The fish is not being impaled. The end of the fish spike being held against the fish is blunt.

Jumping out

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the excellent articles contained within this magnificent magazine. Somehow the articles seem to jump out and speak to me directly. Since joining the Church three and a half years ago, I’ve always looked forward to reading the monthly editions wherever I could get my hands on a copy. Since coming to serve the Lord in Japan, I haven’t always found it easy to find a New Era hanging around, so enclosed is a check for my subscription. Thank you, New Era, for helping to strengthen my testimony!

Elder Kerry B. Richardson
Japan Sendai Mission

What kind of fish?

What kind of fish are the two boys holding on the cover of the July 1984 New Era?

Cody Bredehoft
Grace, Idaho

Editor’s note: It’s a monk fish.

A romance freak

Every month when the New Era enters our home, the first thing I do is read the Mormonad and the Mormonisms. They really help me a lot, and they always brighten my day. Next, I read the poems and stories, and even though I’m a romance freak the stories really hit home. So I’d just like to say thanks.

Laurie Hemmert
Montpelier, Idaho
