February 1985

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan.–Feb. 1985, 3


In the nick of time

It seems that every time our mailbox gets bogged down with bills, sale announcements, and piles of junk mail, we finally receive, in the nick of time, our shiny new copy of the New Era. I say in the nick of time because when I read the New Era I can’t wait to find out what the next copy has to offer.

I am a 14-year-old boy and have enjoyed and benefited from this super magazine very much. I just love your question and answer department. It asks just the questions that should be asked and need to be answered. I hope we can be friends for a long time, New Era.

David Keller
McCammon, Idaho

When mine was lacking

I am 21 years old and about to serve a mission for our Lord. My faith is under a lot of pressures right now, but the Church is my guide. Suddenly I am faced with many different choices in my life. Should I stay at this job, further my career elsewhere, go on a mission, or stay home teaching Sunbeams? But even when I’m totally mixed up, I know that I can get an answer through prayer.

In the August 1984 New Era, Elder Simpson spoke about testimonies. There is no one moment in time when we can stop and say “I’ve made it.” We must work on our testimonies all the time so we can gain and hold on to the serenity, confidence, and inner peace our testimony of this gospel can give us.

Thank you so much for all the times the New Era gave me that peace when mine was lacking.

Maren Bartholomew
Van Nuys, California

Spiritual batteries

I am so grateful for the never-ending uplift and inspiration I glean from the New Era every month. I have recently received a calling within our newly formed branch to teach youth only a year younger than myself within the Sunday School organization. As this branch is composed of part of two different wards from different stakes, we have suffered considerable integration problems. Also, I do not have a lesson manual to teach from. I’m sure you can imagine the help which I have received through the New Era and the great enjoyment I have had while sifting through piles of back copies. And I never tire of the stories and articles. How consistently beautiful they are!

In the March 1983 New Era there was a marvelous article about Brother Peter Vidmar. I was delighted and moved by this beautiful, inspiring story of devotion and success. Last summer I watched avidly the progress of countless men and women who expanded their talents to the very limits of their abilities in the Olympics. I was impressed a thousand times but never so much as when watching Brother Vidmar’s contributions. Through his success and humility he has brought a lot of joy and happiness to my family at a time when we are suffering a lot of heartache and worry.

Thank you for the joy the New Era gives to us youth. We truly need these monthly rechargings of our spiritual batteries.

Mana Kelsey
North Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England

Contest winners say thanks

I feel the need to express my gratitude to you for allowing a dream to come true. This spring I will graduate from Ricks College, something that definitely would not have happened without the scholarship aid I received for placing first in the poetry division of the 1984 New Era Writing, Art, Photography, and Music Contest. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity you have given me to continue my education. I could never fully express how thankful I am. I just love to learn! And now I can continue at the college I love!

The New Era is an excellent magazine that I have cherished for years. I gain considerable strength from each precious issue that helps me face the challenges of my everyday life. I feel extremely honored that some of my work was considered good enough to be published in such a noteworthy magazine. Thanks again for everything and keep up the “awesome” work.

Lori Anne Brown
Boise, Idaho

I was very excited to win first place in the fiction division of the New Era Writing, Art, Photography, and Music Contest. I can sincerely say that I was surprised to win anything, let alone first place. It was such a surprise, I guess because I have had very little experience in writing, and it certainly doesn’t come easily for me. I really have to struggle in my English and literature classes here at BYU. I do love great literature and hope someday to make a place for myself in it.

I wanted to write especially to thank you for the scholarship. I have just recently been married, and our finances aren’t very stable yet. This scholarship makes going to school this year much easier.

I am studying theater arts education and minoring in English teaching. I will teach high school for a while, and then I hope to move on to educational administration. I would like to write plays and fiction on the side. I love great literature for what it does to my mind and soul and would like to be able to do the same for other people with my own thoughts and feelings. I pray that I can write things that will always be uplifting and draw people to the truth.

I do appreciate the New Era. I have benefited much from what is printed in it and am thankful for the writers who contribute. I hope I can write more stories that are suitable for printing in the New Era. I thank you again for the scholarship. God bless you in your work always.

Tory C. Anderson
Provo, Utah
