May 1985

“Feedback,” New Era, May 1985, 3


A shame

I really love and enjoy reading the New Era. It is a great source of strength and comfort to me. Thank you to everyone who is involved in the presentation and publication of this great magazine. It is a shame that it is only issued monthly.

Lindsay R. Samaroo
Upper Belvedere, Kent, England

A great friend

I am a missionary serving in the Philippines Cebu Mission, and I would like to express my appreciation for such a fine publication and for the help and inspiration it gives. I especially want to thank Brother David C. Campbell for his article “Who Are Your Friends?” in the September 1984 issue. I really enjoyed it! It is so important to choose your friends carefully and wisely. As a young Latter-day Saint I learned this important lesson in my life. I want again to thank Brother Campbell for being such a great friend to all of us by sharing his message. I hope we can be the same by following and learning from it.

Elder Ted B. McCurdy
Philippines Cebu Mission

You’ve done it again

I was introduced to the Church by my friend Cathy, and I’m eternally grateful to her for that. Then she introduced me to the New Era. What can I say but “Miss Westbrook, you’ve done it again.”

Derek Sked Kelly
Durban, Republic of South Africa

The most important update

In the August 1984 issue of the New Era, there was a special article regarding a very accomplished pianist, Kevin Kenner. Although this article had to be updated at the end, the very most important update was left out. Kevin Kenner entered the Missionary Training Center in January of 1984. He is now serving in the Austria Vienna Mission.

Naomi Cronk
Provo, Utah

My favorite book

The New Era is my favorite book. I really enjoy the fiction. I’m glad the Church puts out the New Era. I’ll be looking forward to next month’s issue.

Anne Marie Goodrich
Tridell, Utah

I’d like to apologize

My October 1984 issue of the New Era had been lost in a rather large stack of magazines until today. I plowed through the stack to find it and started reading so I could finish it before I started reading the latest issue (which came in the mail yesterday).

“According to His Desires” really hit home with me. When I started in the seminary program I took it as a joke, never serious about anything. I’m sure many times I ruined the mood for those who came to learn. Now I’m a senior planning to go to college and on a mission. If only I had listened during seminary! I would have more knowledge and a stronger testimony. Well, I’ve got time. I can still study and learn, but I could have pressed on to even higher knowledge if I didn’t have to make up for wasted seminary classes.

So first I’d like to encourage our youth to go to seminary with a spirit of learning. It’s worth your time!

And lastly, I’d like to apologize to my past teachers and classmates for hundreds of lessons I ruined. Now back to my New Era.

Rachel Rogers
Clearfield, Utah

A generous offer

I am a gray-haired grandma, but I love the New Era and read it from cover to cover. In the December issue I read where Jacquelyn N. Quilla, Iloilo, Philippines, wished she had a subscription to the New Era. I would love to send it to her.

Enclosed please find a check for seven dollars. If Sister Quilla has already received a subscription, please send one to somebody else for me. God bless you.

Iona C. Flinders
Sandy, Utah

Several generous readers have offered to pay for Sister Quilla’s subscription. She is now receiving the magazine. Editor

Somebody special

Since I have been on my mission I have read the New Era often. It has always helped me when I felt depressed. The stories and articles are all inspiring. I first read it when I joined the Church in 1981, and I have been reading it ever since. I feel it appeals to all ages and to the missionaries especially. Most of the stories relate to my life. I especially enjoyed the story “He Was Somebody Special” by Frank D. Day in the September 1983 issue of the New Era. That story was an ideal example in illustrating the worth of a soul in the sight of God and how we can help people to have confidence in themselves, to feel they are children of God, and to feel loved.

Thank you, Frank D. Day, for that inspiring story, thanks to all of you who write for the New Era, and thank you, New Era, for this super marvelous magazine.

Elder Bassam H. Faress
Africa West Mission

I’m a fan

I’ve read the New Era since I was 13, and I’m an avid fan!

Desiree Sego
Alta Loma, California

I like the Mormonisms best

I enjoy reading the New Era. It is a neat magazine. I like the Mormonisms the best. I like to read the Feedback and read about what other people think about the New Era. I really liked the article “Hunting Accident” in the November 1984 New Era. It was a very good story.

Ann Hinkle
Ontario, Oregon

An A grade

Thank you so much for the article on studying in the September 1984 issue. My grades improved.

No name
Salem, Oregon
