October 1985

“If,” New Era, Oct. 1985, 51


If time were slowed

or the earth stood still

Just long enough for me

to adjust a few inadequacies

and find a few neglected truths …

If we could know the day

or learn the hour

Just long enough so I could serve

some disregarded sister

or transform some character blemishes

into Christlike traits …

If only God would whisper

“My Son will return

on this day or that

and requests your attendance …”

(or even send an exquisitely ornate invitation

stamped Heaven)

Then maybe I’d be able to clear my mind of


and repent of unrighteous ways.


I could be ready

when the Savior comes again.


after all my frenzied, careless preparation,

would I be worthy

to be in His presence?