February 1986

“Feedback,” New Era, Feb. 1986, 3


I’m back

I want to thank the New Era and J. Scott Henrie for the lovely story “Harley-Davidson.” It moved me to tears.

This story may be fiction, but there are so many others that are true. This brings to mind the many wonderful people who prayed for me—who cared about me. And I’m back.

Please tell J. Scott Henrie I’ll be looking for more of his stories! And keep up the good work!

Ginny Webb
Texas City, Texas


I have been reading the New Era since January, and I love it. When dad brings the New Era home, I get so excited. Today when he got home, I was eyeballing it during dinner. After that, I just couldn’t put it down. When I have it, I just want to hide in my closet and read! Thanks, New Era.

Jenny Hauley
Salt Lake City, Utah

It gave me hope

Thank you so much for the New Era. Each time it comes in the mail I immediately open it and start reading. I especially love the story entitled “Harley-Davidson” in the August 1985 issue. In many ways Gus reminded me of my older brother who, when he hit his teens, began rebelling about everything.

This story has given me hope and encouraged me to do what is right. It gave me hope that someday my brother, like Gus, will change. I know that it will not happen unless I am an example to him.

I love my brother more than anything in the whole world. I hate what he is doing to himself, but I do not resent him. I pray for him always. And I pray for the day when he realizes how important the Church and its teachings are.

Shauna Mansfield
Pocatello, Idaho

Hooked because it’s bonger

It has taken me eight years to get around to writing and telling you how much I appreciate your fantastic magazine, but I’m finally repenting of my procrastination. I come from Perth, Western Australia, and eight years ago my family came to the New Zealand Temple. Just before we left home I grabbed several New Eras because I thought it would be good to have something a bit spiritual to read while we were traveling to the temple. Before that time I had rarely bothered to read much more than the Mormonisms. (I still love those!)

In the week and a half it took me to drive to Sydney before flying to New Zealand, I read each of those magazines from cover to cover. Many articles I read two or three times. By the time we got back home again I was totally hooked, and I have been ever since. Mom often used to complain that she’d never see the New Era, because as soon as it arrived it would disappear to my room to be read in the next day or two and then be added to a pile under my bed to be reviewed whenever I had spare time. Now I am back in New Zealand serving in the New Zealand Auckland Mission. In the years I was preparing for my mission, and also during my past 19 months in the mission field, the New Era has always been a great source of strength, encouragement, and inspiration to me.

There’s one thing I’d like to ask, though. Could you publish a book of favorite poems, stories, articles, and music from the New Era so that those who have missed out or lost earlier copies of the New Era don’t have to miss out on the great things they contained? Keep up the great work. You’ve got a bonger (Aussie for great) magazine.

Elder Grant O’Neil
New Zealand Auckland Mission

As proud as I am

I would just like to thank you for the story “A Small Light in the Darkness” in the September 1985 issue. I could relate firsthand to the thoughts and feelings that Kevin was going through. My experience at my new college was so similar to Kevin’s. Maybe it’s my physical appearance or my emotional attitude, but all the people I meet automatically get the impression that because I am always smiling at them or joking happily with them, I would be fun to party with. I have lived the high standards of the Church all my life, and I continue joyfully following its rules. I’ve become afraid to let my true feelings out due to all the so-called friendly offers. I’m proud of what I am, and after reading this story I know how I can change things and end the long struggle going on inside of me. Thanks so much for all the wonderful and uplifting stories. I hope you all are as proud to be Mormon as I am.

Hector Montenegro
Hat Creek, California

Honey and roast beef

I am a full-time missionary serving in the Philippines Baguio Mission, where thousands of these great people accept the gospel every year. I would just like to say thanks for all the love and support I receive from the New Era. In the mission we receive the New Era about two times a month, along with letters from home. I look forward to that time. I enjoy the stories, poetry, quotes, pictures, and other inspirational messages that I receive in order to gain the spiritual growth that is needed to teach and preach the gospel.

The New Era is, to me, a “piece of home.” When I read it I can almost smell mom’s roast beef in the oven after a Sunday morning sacrament meeting and the taste of sweet honey on a sourdough biscuit.

Thanks for the inspiration.

Elder Trent Hill
Philippines Baguio Mission


Throughout my life I have been motivated and inspired by the New Era. It has truly strengthened my testimony. I love the gospel.

Randy L. Nelson
Salt Lake City, Utah
