April 1987

“Feedback,” New Era, Apr. 1987, 3


We do!

The stories that appear in the New Era have really helped me through difficult times and have increased my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. As a recent convert to the Church, I don’t have a subscription to the New Era, but every issue I get from the missionaries I read as quickly as possible. I especially like Mormonisms and always read that first. Now I can show my non-Mormon friends that we do have a sense of humor (contrary to popular belief). Thanks for a great magazine.

Dawn Cheetum
Johannesburg, South Africa

Instead of screaming

When I’m in a really rotten mood and I just feel like screaming, I read the New Era. It calms me down, and I feel I can face anything.

Felicity Brown
Lubbock, Texas


Thanks so much for the super articles in the New Era! I especially enjoyed the May 1986 issue—the whole thing! Every article seemed to have my name written on it. It’s just super. I can’t express nearly enough the great help this inspirational magazine has been in my life.

I live in a little town in northern British Columbia, Canada, and there is only one girl my age who is a member of the Church here—me! Actually there are no other youth my age here at all!

Lynn Palmer
Burns Lake, British Columbia

The top 40

As I was reading the September 1986 issue of the New Era I noticed the editor’s note about the Mormonad posters. I had never really paid much attention to the ads. So I took out all of the New Eras I had (which was about 40) and looked through each one to see if there was a Mormonad. Then I noticed the Mormonisms, and I read them all. Next I saw the Feedback department and read the letters to the editor also. It’s so neat to read how other people feel. Most of the time I feel the same.

I never used to read the New Era. It wasn’t until I was 14 that I started to read it. I only read the fiction—especially the stories by Jack Weyland and Alma Yates (two of my favorite writers). Now I can’t wait till the New Era comes. Thanks, New Era, for publishing the best super fantastic magazine in the world. I love you, New Era.

Jane Blackmun
Los Alamitos, California

The best

I have been subscribing to the New Era for almost six years now and can truly say that it is the best magazine I have ever read. The stories and articles are an inspiration at times when I most need it.

One of the biggest reasons why I enjoy reading the New Era is that I get to read about people in other states and countries and their way of life. The New Era is a superb magazine.

Angela Fragoso
Houston, Texas

Comp compliments

I wanted to write and thank you for two things. First, thank you for the Mormonad posters. My comp and I both ordered them right when we saw the order form. My apartment is now plastered with both Mormonad posters and regular Mormonads.

Second, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the article “The Plot Thickens” in the October 1986 issue of the New Era. In one of my areas my comp and I got to see all 15 segments of the new seminary films “Free to Choose.” THEY ARE GREAT! I just wish everybody could see them. As my comp and I watched them, it really hit home for both of us.

Well done!

Elder Russell Dixon
Colorado Denver Mission

Can’t count the times

I have contemplated several times writing and thanking you for the New Era, for the spiritually uplifting and inspiring stories and articles you print.

I’m a missionary in the Massachusetts Boston Mission, and I can’t count the times when I’ve been depressed, down, and discouraged, and have been able to go to the New Era for help. Each time I’ve been spiritually uplifted by the articles and stories.

I just wish that everyone had access to the New Era so that they would be able to get that same spiritual uplift. Thanks so much.

Elder Ken Skyles
Massachusetts Boston Mission

A race

I love reading the New Era. When it comes each month it’s a race between my sister and me to see who gets it first.

Every time I read the New Era I get a spiritual uplift, especially when I’m feeling blue. The June 1985 issue came just when I needed it. That has been a special issue to me because I love the Young Women program and camping out in the wilderness. Each article that I read has something special in it for me. Thanks for being such a great magazine. I’m a New Era fan forever.

Cara Lee Bradford
Springville, Utah

A friend like you

A letter in the September 1986 New Era really caught my eye. It was entitled “I wish I had a friend.” I would like to give this inactive youth some advice. I feel that you should try again. I realize that you probably have bitter feelings toward the youth of your ward, but please find it in your heart to forgive them. I think that if you pray to your Heavenly Father, read the scriptures, keep the commandments, and attend church (or at least try your hardest) that he will bless you with a friend. You will have to do your part too. Go back to church; be friendly. Just remember that the gospel is perfect, but the Church members are not. If you try maybe you’ll even find another person who wished they had a friend like you.

Aimee Morelli
Hayden Lake, Idaho
