June 1988

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1988, 3


I wish I had known you

That does it! I can’t keep it in any longer! New Era, you are great, and I just want you to know that I love you so much. I have just finished reading the April 1987 issue. Thank you so much for “Afterwards Refreshments Will Be Served.” I wish I had known you earlier, but then it was my own fault that I didn’t.

When I joined the Church I subscribed to and only read the Ensign, thinking the New Era was for “kiddies.” (I’m sure a lot of people are in the same shoes as I was.) One day I finally picked up a copy of the New Era to read as an experiment. I was never the same again. Forgive me for being so ignorant.

Now I’m making up for my ignorance. No New Era ever catches my eye without being thoroughly read. Even though the magazine may be years old, the message is always current.

I am telling others about you, New Era. You keep my spirit up!

Elder A. David Akindileni
Nigeria Lagos Mission

Family traditions

Tears came to my eyes as I read about the Hales family traditions in the article “In Search of the Great Pumpkin” in the October 1987 issue. Now that I’m married and am living 2, 500 miles away from my family, the memories of our traditions are a big comfort to me.

This story prompted me to set a goal to start my own family traditions, and to carry on those my family had. I’d like to see more articles on families all over the world and their traditions.

Keep up the great work, New Era. I’ve been enjoying you for years!

Lori T. Futreal
Chinquapin, North Carolina

Super examples

I’d like to thank you for giving recognition to the many successes of LDS youth in your FYI articles. It helps me strive for excellence and makes me want to follow the super examples of these youth.

Tricia Clinton
Simi Valley, California

A lot happier

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the article “What Am I Doing Wrong?” by Carl Houghton in the September 1987 issue.

It really got me to thinking. I asked myself that question, “What am I doing wrong?” and “Why isn’t the Spirit always with me?” Then, like the article said, I realized I needed to start living the scriptures. It really has made a difference in my life. I feel as if I can conquer anything. I am a lot happier, and I get along better with my family. I am a better example for my friends and others. Now I know that I too will be able to accomplish the goals I’ve set for myself.

Thank you, Carl Houghton. And thank you, New Era, for being the best magazine that a youth could have.

A friend from California
Huntington Beach, California

The wrong Buchanan

We credited the idea for the January 1988 Mormonad to Dwight Buchanan. We should instead have given credit to Brother Buchanan’s son Cory E. Buchanan, who shot the photo on which the Mormonad was based. The melancholy missionary in the photo is Cory himself.


Some feedback for your information

I want to say thank-you for two departments in the New Era—Feedback and FYI. I enjoy reading about other members of the Church. I especially like reading about teenagers who play sports like football and basketball. I also enjoy reading stories about missionaries and about Church members’ thoughts about their lives and their goals for the future.

It’s hard for me to become as perfect as I want to be, but I’m trying my best. I’ve been on my mission now for one and a half years. I love sharing the gospel with the people in my own country.

Elder Abinadi Voi
Apia Western Samoa Mission

Long overdue

Thank you for the Message “The Success of My Brethren” by Bishop Pace and the Scripture Lifeline by Sister Warnick in the August 1987 issue. Those ideas presented have been long overdue. Too often sports and beauty pageants and related things are glamorized, overshadowing many other worthy endeavors. The video “The Award,” based on a New Era story, points this theme out also.

A. J. B.
Ivins, Utah
