January 1989

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan. 1989, 3


Just like winning

I just wanted to write and tell you how much I love and look forward to the New Era. I think my favorite story is in the May 1988 issue. The article that really caught my attention was “The Finalist” by Jennifer Gillins. I liked this one because I was thinking of running for a student body office in my junior high school. This article made me realize that winning isn’t everything. Just getting up enough nerve to run against the “popular people” is a type of victory. I would like to thank Jennifer Gillins for that article.

Angela Leese
Taylorsville, Utah

The HEART of Texas

Elaine Ostrander’s article, “Lasting Impressions,” in the March 1988 issue describes part of a program to save the Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle from extinction. Anyone desiring more information on sea turtle conservation can get it from HEART (Help Endangered Animals—Ridley Turtles), P.O. Box 681231, Houston, Texas, 66268-1231.

Carole H. Allen
HEART Chairman
Houston, Texas

500 scavengers

Your “Scavengers Welcome” article in the March issue was so impressive that we just had to try it. And try it we did, with about 500 youth at our regional Mia Maid and teacher conference. It was great!

We used between 80 and 90 cooperative adults as team leaders and divided the youth up into teams of unsuspecting strangers. We then sent them out to impress an apprehensive city. Our youth gave piggyback rides to children, pulled weeds, washed cars, and along with several other things, sang Primary songs to a new type of audience!

Our feedback included the comment from one team leader that “Actually doing it was a lot better than reading about it in the New Era.” This is an activity we would like to encourage others to participate in as it is a fulfilling and rewarding experience for both the participant and the recipient.

Deanna Elison
Richland, Washington

Wall-to-wall Mormonads

The Mormonads help me very much. My mom has kept all the ones we have received ever since they first came out. Now I have a total of 33 Mormonads. I know that’s not all of them, but that’s a lot. They are mostly in the small size, but they are hung all over my room. They inspire me a lot. For example, I have “Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful” hung on my wall right next to where I do my hair in the morning. They really help me a lot. I am very grateful to you for putting out an excellent magazine!

Sarah Dalton
Salt Lake City, Utah

Way overdue

I would like to thank you for the article “Giving Up the Ball” in the January 1988 New Era. It’s about time the RM basketball players were honored. I really respect these guys at BYU and other schools who give up two years of basketball for the Lord’s work. This article was way overdue.

I’m a senior in high school, and in the area where I live I receive much criticism for being an avid BYU fan. I’ve always enjoyed wearing my Brigham Young University sweatshirt to school after BYU has won a game. Needless to say, I’ve done this often, and it’s a terrific feeling.

Thanks again for the article. I love the New Era.

Tammy Brown
Casper, Wyoming


Thank you for the Mormonads and the Mormonisms in the New Era. Every month I cut out the Mormonads and Mormonisms and hang them on my walls. The Mormonads help me to be honest and keep a clean spirit. The Mormonisms keep me cheerful throughout the day. Keep up the good work!

Amber Eldridge
Plano, Texas


We love the New Era and read it eagerly when it comes. However, when I read the article “How to Say No and Keep Your Friends” in the February 1988 issue, I felt a need to make a point which the article missed. The point is that if the people we associate with and call friends know our beliefs and standards and still encourage us to do things which are contrary to those beliefs and standards, are they really friends? Would a true friend ask us to do something we have a firm conviction against?

We’ve always tried to stress in our family to not only find friends who help us to live up to our standards but to be the kind of friend who would not even suggest that one do anything which is contrary to his or her beliefs.

I can’t give credit to anyone in particular for the following statement, but it has merit: “Physical courage is what it takes to stand up against our enemies; moral courage is what it takes to stand up against our friends.” I think we’ll do better by being alone than by associating with people who would ask us to compromise our standards.

We are the parents of four children and have found much in the New Era to help us in teaching them the gospel. Keep it coming!

Joyce Johnson
Ogden, Utah


The New Era is a wonderful magazine. I look forward to it each month. Sometimes my New Era is late coming, and I start to feel like I am not going to get it. Then it will finally come. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I didn’t receive it. Each issue has something in it for me. Sometimes I wish it was published weekly instead of monthly.

Melissa Hufham
Delco, North Carolina
