September 1989

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1989, 3


You’re not alone

I’ve read the feedback from other readers and enjoyed how certain articles seemed to be written specifically for them. A lot of articles have helped me with trials but never as much as “Alone in a Crowd” in the June 1988 issue. That article could’ve easily been written by me. My younger brother (13) and myself (16) are the only members in our immediate family, but we go to different wards. My friends often invite me to sit with them but there are also times when I sit alone, and it certainly does get lonely. To all of you who are “Alone in a Crowd,” cheer up and listen to the song “You’re Not Alone.” It helps, believe me! And hey, Heavenly Father would never leave us!

Kimberly Armer
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Innocence is beautiful

Oh, New Era, this article was the best. “They’re Not Really Happy” by Elder Glenn L. Pace in the June 1988 issue really hit home for me. Just the other day I was with some friends of mine. They are not members, and often “party hardy.”

Well, we were in the mall, and we were all trying on clothes. It was really fun, but as we were leaving they were laughing. I asked them what happened, and then they showed me. One of them had stolen three shirts, and another had taken a dress and some shorts. My face turned bright red, and I went into a silence. I wanted to go back, but I didn’t because I thought they should and I was scared. Anyway, on the way home they were showing me everything, and they were smoking and talking about the guys they were going to go out with. For the first time I was mad because I was Mormon. When I got home I was ashamed of myself for not doing something, anything. Then I received the June New Era and I saw “They’re Not Really Happy.” Well, it really helped me. I just wanted to thank all y’all who go to the trouble of caring about the youth. I appreciate the article also because it mentioned how pretty girls are when they have a blush in the cheek. Thanks, thanks, and again thanks. It’s hard to be a 17-year-old and keep Christlike morals and standards. Innocence is beautiful, and I’m thankful that others realize it also.

Beth Brown
Colfax, North Carolina

Dishpan library

I loved the article on reading in the August 1988 issue. In our family get-togethers, when the teens and children get restless, we bring out two dishpans full of books—one for the older ones and the other for the children. We then read to the little ones individually. Everyone leaves with a quiet, peaceful feeling.

I think a good Christmas tradition is for each person to choose an inexpensive book for himself and put it under the tree. Also check on Mom. Does she have her own scriptures or is she sacrificing for others?

Karen Dietz
Seattle, Washington

Jumping out of planes

The New Era is such a blessing to me! The only thing I don’t like about it is having to wait a whole month for the next issue.

I am a paratrooper in the U.S. Army, and that means that some Sundays have to be spent training in the woods rather than worshipping in church. When I know I can’t make it to church, I will bring my scriptures, along with the New Era. As soon as there is some free time, I dig them out and start reading. During these times the Spirit can be so strong that I often forget where I am. Another added blessing is that I live in Kaysville, Utah, and since a lot of the pictures and articles are from people in Utah I get to see a lot of familiar places. Once or twice I have even seen familiar faces.

When I first joined the army I was basically inactive, but soon after experiencing the scary feeling of jumping out of a plane at midnight, I felt the need to know that the Lord would watch over me. Very soon after praying about it, I found that my mother had subscribed to the New Era for me. It has helped me so much to become active again, and now I am holding my breath until I can go on a mission in 17 months.

As for jumping out of airplanes, it’s a piece of cake!

Gregory Tibbets
Ft. Bragg, North Carolina
