undefined undefined Feedback
February 1990

“Feedback,” New Era, Feb. 1990, 3


Hanging in

I am writing about the story “Hang in There,” by Lori S. Dawson in the June 1989 issue. I have had the same experiences. I had companions going through the same experiences. Some of these companions didn’t get letters or notes to cheer them up. I am thankful for all the letters I have received and am receiving right now. I would like to encourage all those that have friends, family members, or ward members on a mission to write to them. Just a little note or letter could sure help any missionary and make life a little easier.

Sister Fransiska Dei
Honolulu Hawaii Mission

Wonderful story

I am so very thankful to you for the wonderful articles and poems that are published in your magazine. No matter how down or discouraged I seem to get, I always find comfort in reading the New Era.

I was especially thankful for the article published in the July 1989 edition about the LDS youth in France and their faith and dedication to the gospel. Thank you for allowing such wonderful stories and testimonies to come into my life.

Qwinette Adams
Kearns, Utah

Lifted up

I just want to express my thanks for your article entitled “From the Isles of the Sea.” As a British missionary serving in the Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission, I can really appreciate the way in which the Church is trying to help the youth grow in the British Isles.

Every zone conference, each companionship receives a copy of the magazines published by the Church. I eagerly wait to be able to read and study their uplifting and inspiring messages to the youth and those who consider themselves youth throughout the world. Thank you New Era for your contribution to my mission.

Elder Jason Starkey
Fort Lauderdale, Florida


I am writing about the article that appeared in the June 1989 issue entitled “Miss(ionary) Manners.” I was shocked and most disappointed by it. I feel it gave a very negative impression of missionaries and made them appear rude and mannerless. But what upsets me the most is the way the general public will react to the article. I am serving my mission in an area where the missionaries depend on the support of the members by having them over for dinner and such. I fear that many members might get the wrong impression of the missionaries as the majority of us are not lacking in etiquette as the article suggests.

Elder J. D. Lee
Anaheim, California

Great helps

Before I moved to Utah my family lived in New Zealand. We would have missionaries stay with us as there was no other accommodation for them. They would attend our meals and do their washing, etc. in our home. We were often appalled at the disrespect and ill manners we saw at mealtimes—terrible manners, not thanking our mother for the meal, not helping out with the dishes. Your article “Miss(ionary) Manners” made me think about my own manners and how I need to change before I go on my mission. I don’t want to act like those missionaries did.

I was so excited about your article that I sent copies to my sister who is on a mission to remind her of how important those manners are in sharing the gospel. If only those elders that lived with us had received this article before going on their missions. If you print my letter, please withhold my name. I don’t want to embarrass anyone.

Name withheld


I enjoy reading the New Era each month. I especially enjoyed reading the photo essay “Water and Stone” in the September 1989 issue. It was beautifully written and arranged. Many of the photographs were breathtaking. I liked the way the author showed the beauty of such common things as stone, water, and sand. I would just like to thank you for publishing it and also the author for helping me to see the beauty of God’s creations.

Connie Jean Olsen
Orem, Utah