undefined undefined Introduction: It’s a Jungle Out There!
Introduction: It’s a Jungle Out There!
March 1990

“Introduction: It’s a Jungle Out There!” New Era, Mar. 1990, 3

Special Issue:
Surviving—and Thriving—in the 90s

It’s a Jungle Out There!

There’s an old joke—Tarzan swings into his tree house and says, “Whew! It’s a jungle out there!”

Life can seem like a jungle, and when you find yourself in hostile territory, your first goal is to survive. That’s part of what this issue is about—survival.

But inside, you’ll also learn about thriving, finding the joy and strength Heavenly Father intended for you.

So read, enjoy, listen to the spirit of what is said. And look for future issues, where we’ll continue to discuss surviving—and thriving—in the 90s.

Illustrated by Richard Hull