April 1990

“Feedback,” New Era, Apr. 1990, 3



I’m glad and thankful that you printed the articles about drug abuse in your September 1989 issue. All too often when Sunday School classes and other Church classes talk about drug abuse, they don’t relate to it very well and treat it as something that happens to other people or something that could never happen within the Church. I think that the story “Please Don’t Give In” was realistic in portraying a problem that happens in the Church a lot more than most people realize.

June Kontvis

Better equipped

At the moment I’m serving in the Australia Adelaide Mission, which I am enjoying very much. I must say that the June 1989 issue of the New Era is excellent. I can put myself in just about every article written about missionary work. I wished I had read the issue before I had left for my mission; that way I would be better equipped in serving the Lord out in the mission field. So I think that now the young men and young women in the Church can start preparing for their upcoming missions with great desire.

Elder Henry Chandra
Marden, South Australia

Magazine pal

Recently my pen friend in Ethiopia asked about the New Era after I told him how much I liked it. I was so happy to know that he was really interested, so I took that opportunity to get him a year’s subscription. I was glad to know that the price is so small. Thanks for making it so easy on me. This is definitely my favorite magazine, and I hope this will become Solomon’s favorite also. Thanks.

Heather Hamilton
Richardson, Texas

Race for mail

First of all, I would like to thank the New Era for a wonderful magazine. I run to the mailbox at the beginning of each month to get it. I love the articles you put out. My sisters and I fight over the New Era. My mom likes to read it too.

Second, I’d like to tell the girl who wrote the article “Innocence Is Beautiful” in the September 1 989 Feedback section that I admire her integrity. I have a friend who is like the people she described. She drinks and everything. I also have an older sister who has the same problem. The September 1989 issue really helped me accept her and understand her. Thanks again for the New Era. Keep up the good work.

Name withheld

Eyes open

I have received the New Era every month for as long as I can remember. In it I’ve found strength, wisdom, and a new desire to go on living as a daughter of our Heavenly Father. Many times I’ve fallen and scraped my knees. But each time I pick myself up with a stronger testimony, knowing that if I run too fast with my eyes closed I’d only fall again. Prayer, scripture reading, and the New Era have helped me to keep my eyes open.

Dillion, Colorado

Found an answer

I want to express my gratitude to the New Era publishers for the effort they have put in to make the magazine an interesting one. I found an answer to my spiritual problem on page 16 of Q&A in the March 1989 issue about telling the promptings of the Spirit. Frankly speaking, the first month I arrived in the mission field I asked my companion how can I know when the Spirit is talking or how can I feel the Spirit. Her answer is always that I should ask the Lord. At times I will pray, but I will not hear anything. She will say continue to pray. But when I read the magazine, I found an answer to my question too. This really shows that we are all Heavenly Father’s children and that we can communicate and strengthen each other.

Sister Christy Hauna
Nigerian Lagos Mission

It was fun

At first I thought the New Era was a very boring magazine. Boy, was I wrong! As I flipped through the New Era I came across the article “The Write Prescription” in the October 1989 issue and started to read it. In fact, I stayed up late and read the October issue from cover to cover. I’ve been receiving the New Era for the past four months, but I didn’t read it until now because I thought a Church magazine wouldn’t be fun or useful. Thanks for making such a great magazine. I love it.

Malena Collins (age 12 almost)
Las Vegas, Nevada
