FYI: For Your Information
April 1990

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Apr. 1990, 40–43

For Your Information

Looking for Good

by Glenn Jorgenson

Do you want to improve your attitude toward others and towards yourself? Here’s a little exercise to try. It will not only help you see the best in others; you’ll feel better about yourself too.

  1. Make a list of the people you want to concentrate on today. You could include friends, family members, teachers, anyone.

  2. While you are around them, watch for things they do that are praiseworthy—a smile, a friendly act, a kind word, a willingness to listen, a generous gesture, an expression of gratitude, good humor, a demonstration of honesty, etc.

  3. Write down a couple of good things you observed about that person on your list, and repeat this daily for a week with different people on your list each day.

  4. Explain your experiment to a friend and both of you do it for the next two weeks.

  5. As a final test, write the name of someone you don’t particularly care for on your list. Watch this person do three praiseworthy things and record them.

  6. Repeat until it becomes easy.

Stops Points

Rhett Burgener of the Nottingham Country Ward, Houston Texas Stake, was selected as a member of the Texas state soccer team and of the Texas region 3 soccer team. He plays stopper, a defensive back position. During the regular season he led the defense in holding opponents to a 13-point season total while his team scored 66 points total. He is an honor roll student as well.

Rhett has earned his Eagle Scout Award and served as president of his early-morning seminary class.

League Winner

AnnaLee Bloomfield of the Londonderry Ward, Edmonton Alberta Bonnie Doon Stake, was awarded first place in the Edmonton community league youth competition. One girl and one boy from each of the 138 community leagues were nominated. They were judged on poise and personality, speaking ability, and volunteer experience.

Giving church talks helped AnnaLee remain calm during her speaking presentation. Her volunteer work included working with Parks and Recreation, volunteering in a nursing home, and teaching a preschool activity class.

AnnaLee is also an honor student.

Three Letters

Jon Dallin Ivie of the Mackay Ward, Moore Idaho Stake, was named football’s top offensive lineman in 4-A schools in Idaho. He played center. He was a four-year letterman in football and track and also lettered two years in basketball.

In addition to his sports, Dallin served as senior class president and student-body vice president. He was also salutatorian of his graduating class.

In his ward he served as seminary class president and as first assistant in his priests quorum.

Sprucing Up Campus

The youth of the Naperville Illinois Stake took on an ambitious service project to help in landscaping Aurora University. The youth wanted a service project that would be a long-lasting addition to their community.

Working through the president of Aurora University and under the direction of the physical facilities manager, the youth undertook some hard tasks. They removed trees and dug trenches to make walkways. They replanted areas with new plants, shrubs, and trees. After a day of hard work, their efforts really made a difference, and it put the university’s landscaping plans ahead of schedule by nearly a year.

In spite of sore muscles and some new blisters, when asked if they would do it again, the answer was, “You bet!”

Canadian Jamboree

Prince Edward Island in Canada was the scene of a worldwide gathering of Boy Scouts, including 350 to 400 LDS Scouts representing 25 of Canada’s 33 stakes.

Taking advantage of the jamboree’s proximity to the sea, the week’s activities included tidal water canoeing, sailing, scuba diving, and other beachfront skills. In addition, the Scouts were treated to a spectacular performance by nine jets of the Canadian Forces Air Demonstration Squadron, more commonly known as the Snowbirds. Prince Andrew and Lady Sarah (Fergie) made an appearance and talked with the Scouts and their leaders.

The highlight of the jamboree for the LDS Scouts was a sacrament service where Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone, Young Men General President, and Elder Robert B. Harbertson, then serving as a counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, spoke. In his comments, Elder Harbertson encouraged the assembled Scouts by saying that Heavenly Father would not let them down if they worked hard and did what was right as they worked toward their goals with an “eye of faith” as mentioned by Alma (see Alma 5:15).

Two Presidents

Becky Cunningham and Deanna Dickey, both of the Gresham Oregon South Stake, were each elected student-body president of their high schools.

Becky, a member of the Gresham Third Ward, also served as president of the Mt. Hood League of Student Councils. She has been involved in student government throughout her high school years. She has also donated her time as a teen aide at the hospital and as a natural helper in school. She is on the honor roll. Becky loves music and plays the piano as a soloist and to accompany groups.

Deanna, a member of the Gresham First Ward, served as vice-president of the Mt. Hood League of Student Councils. She has lettered in cross-country for four years, and is on the honor roll. Deanna enjoys working with people and likes the challenge of her leadership positions.

High Hurdler

David Baird of the Utica Ward, Syracuse New York Stake, is an outstanding student and athlete. He was awarded a New York State Regents Scholarship. And as a senior, he was a captain of the football, basketball, and track teams. He holds school records in both the high and intermediate hurdles.

David, with his brother and sister and two friends, formed a local band called “Ecclesiastical Tendencies.” He has earned his Eagle Scout Award with two palms and served as first assistant in his priests quorum.

Invited to Sing

Becky Zundel was selected from her school, the Croughton American High School in England, to attend the International Honor Band and Choir Festival in London. She was selected based on audition tapes. In addition to singing with her school choir, Becky has also served as accompanist. She has received seven superior ratings for singing and piano in solo and ensemble performances.

Becky serves as Laurel class president and ward pianist in the Cheltenham Ward, Cheltenham England Stake.

Sports Award Winner

Missy Murdock of the Casper Fifth Ward, Casper Wyoming Stake, was the outstanding girl basketball player from Wyoming selected to receive the Naismith Award. The award is given each year to one girl and one boy in the state who were particularly outstanding in basketball. Missy played on her high school team and was named most valuable player of her conference. In addition, she was named as a member of the all-region, all-state, and all-American teams.

Missy is an excellent student and seminary graduate. In addition to sports, Missy enjoys playing the piano and composing music. She serves as the accompanist for her ward choir.

In One Year

Adam Hickenbotham of the Las Vegas 68th Ward, Las Vegas Nevada Sunrise Stake, set a rather ambitious goal for himself. He decided to try to read all the standard works in one year. Adam admits that reading is one of his favorite hobbies. He is at the top of his high school class with straight-A grades. He also loves sports and Scouting. He has earned his Eagle Award and runs on the school track team. Adam recommends that others try what he did and read the Old and New Testaments, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Book of Mormon in one year. “It was a great experience. I really learned a lot, and my testimony was strengthened,” he said.

Rhett Burgener

AnnaLee Bloomfield

Jon Dallin Ivie

The youth in Illinois helped serve their community in a long-lasting way.

“B. P. [Baden Powell, founder of Scouting] would be proud of you,” Prince Andrew told Canadian Scouts.

Deanna Dickey; Becky Cunningham

David Baird

Becky Zundel

Missy Murdock

“While I’m reading the scriptures, my family says I’m much easier to get along with. Part of it is because you feel the Spirit, and part is because the experiences the prophets have can apply to your own life.”
