September 1990

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1990, 3


Q&A helped

I’m a 17-year-old girl from Germany and I really love the New Era. Every month I wait for it. I want to thank you for “Questions and Answers” in the April 1990 issue. My friend’s mother died last week and that article really helped her to overcome the death.

The New Era also helps me when I have problems to solve. Thanks again for this helpful magazine.

Naomi Hartzheim
Dusseldorf, Germany

Special people

I decided to write to let you know that I was extremely touched by the Everyday Heroes article “Candidates for Friendship” (June 1990). Last year I made the decision to be a part of the special education curriculum at my high school. Many of my friends wondered why I wanted to do this. I simply told them, “These people are just like we are, only with different qualities and abilities.” I enjoy tutoring the young people in my class. I am also very happy to hear that there are other people out there who want to recognize specially handicapped people as specially capable people.

Anneke M. Beauchamp
Steilacoom, Washington

Personality or standards?

In the June issue there was an article about what isn’t acceptable attire for pictures in the New Era. I do agree that clothes should be modest, but I do not agree that a person’s makeup or hairstyle should be judged. The way a person chooses to wear their makeup and hair, even if it obstructs their passage through a door, is a reflection of their personality and not their standards.

Julie Hart
Boise, Idaho

Is it fair to judge?

I am writing in response to an article that appeared in your June issue entitled “Not Dressed for Success.” I found this article very offensive. It seems to judge people by their appearance. I think it’s more important to judge people by their actions and attitude rather than by their clothes or hair.

I may be LDS, but I feel I have the right to decide how I want to dress, how I want to do my hair, what music I want to listen to, and how I want to act. You should always remember to judge people from the inside and not from the outside.

LeAnn Watts
Clearfield, Utah

It’s true!

The article “Your Test of Courage” in the March 1990 edition was fantastic. Thanks to Elder Boyd K. Packer. I remember the night I read the piece. I was feeling lonely, and then when I read that I was a child of God I felt a growing warmth inside of me. Tears ran down my cheeks. I felt the Holy Ghost telling me, “It’s true!”

Even though we get told by our leaders that our Heavenly Father does love us, it never hurts to know one more time that we are a child of God, that He loves us and we love Him. The New Era has many great articles, which I’m sure help a lot of people.

Janet Carrillo
Sydney, Australia

A very hot item

Thank you for publishing the New Era every month. Each month when my family receives it there is a mad scramble for the first possession. It is a very hot item in my home. I enjoy every story. I particularly enjoy the For Your Information section because it’s great to hear about members all over the world excelling in their own areas.

I also enjoy the Message, which is relayed in the first article of each edition. Since general conference is only twice a year, we don’t often get to hear from many General Authorities, but this section gives us that opportunity. Again, thank you for being a part of my life.

Carl S. Torgesen
Magnolia, Texas
