October 1990

“Feedback,” New Era, Oct. 1990, 3


An interesting twist

I would like to thank the New Era for the story in the July issue entitled “I Miss the City.” It was a neat story with an interesting twist. It said, in a funny way, to keep the Sabbath day holy. I really appreciate the New Era and look forward to receiving it every month. It seems like it doesn’t come enough.

Keri Newman
Edmond, Oklahoma

From Russia, with love

My name is Anna. I am 16 years old. I was baptized in Hungary with my parents July 1, 1989. We were among the first in the Soviet Union to accept this faith. Now there are 50 members, six of them teenagers, in my city.

In my free time I work as a tour guide. I love to participate in slalom skiing and tennis. But more than anything I love to travel. Of course, like all young people, I love music. We are all brothers and sisters with the same Father. I love you all very much. You are very kind.

Anna Terebenika
Leningrad, USSR

What’s wrong with being good?

I can’t get “My Reputation” in the June 1990 issue off my mind. It’s sad that goody-goodies are hassled, even in the Church. I think it is even worse that judgments are made on the things we hear about people. But what disturbs me most is that it shouldn’t matter whether or not a person has sinned in the past—we aren’t qualified to judge.

I hope this article caused us to take a second look at those around us and leave the judging to our Father in Heaven and his Son.

Patty Buchmiller
Santa Barbara, California

It gave me a boost

I’d like to thank the New Era for printing “Try to Remember” in the April 1990 issue. I have to admit I was slipping from the Church standards and this article gave me a real boost. Thanks for the inspiration.

Janet Savage
Buhl, Idaho

The strength to overcome

My thanks to the fellow who asked a question about his mother’s death in the April 1990 issue. It seems that the New Era knows everything that is happening to people. I am on a mission and my mother died a few months ago. I was given two days to go to the funeral. I came back to the mission field, and even though I knew where she was going, it was hard to endure.

Later, when I was transferred to the city I am at now, the first gift I got was the New Era. I opened it to the Question and Answer column. The ideas and experiences shared by the New Era and its contributors helped me. I very much appreciate the way you answer questions and I hope your magazine will continue, for it provides good services.

Elder Akpan, Okon Imoh
Nigeria, West Africa

Hearing from a lost friend

A few weeks ago I was traveling with a business associate to El Paso, Texas. He had brought along your May and June issues, and since I was driving and he had a captive audience, he began to read several articles to me. I am not a member of the Church.

When he finished the article “Good by Association,” I asked who wrote the piece. He replied, “Chris Crowe.” I excitedly said, “I know that fellow!”

Chris played football with my son Buddy at McClintock High School in Tempe, Arizona. I became an observer of the crisis he faced when he became interested in the Church. He endured much heartache in his personal life when he decided to become a member. I was certainly pleased to learn that Chris had grown in knowledge and had related his story to encourage other youth.

John Rollins
Tempe, Arizona

A letter from above

It seems as whenever I have a problem, that topic shows up in the next New Era. I’m sure I’m speaking for many when I tell you that I anticipate the New Era coming in the mail. It’s like a letter from above. What would we do without you, our Father in Heaven, the Church, and the prophet?

