November 1990

“Feedback,” New Era, Nov. 1990, 3


A “priceless” purpose

I wanted to thank Lana Robison for the article “The Priceless Station Wagon” in the August 1990 New Era. It was great. It helped me realize everybody is important. Also, everybody was put here on earth for a particular purpose. Just like the article said, “Although it may not be easy to see, our Heavenly Father has given everyone an important purpose. Despite our many frailties, we are needed, wanted, and loved.”

Brian Moore
Wallace, Idaho

I now feel a need

I just read Q&A in the September 1989 issue. The article really touched me. I had been wondering for a long time what having a testimony felt like. I thought I had one but wasn’t sure it was true. Now, for the first time I’ve learned how to gain a testimony and am anxious to do so. Even though I have been in the Church all my life, I now feel a need.

Karina Rivera
Mauldin, South Carolina

Helping near Hamburg

I live in the north of West Germany in a small town near Hamburg. Lots of the youth I know read the New Era. I’ve also translated one or two articles for friends so they could better understand them and gain the help they needed in certain situations. The New Era had a part in helping me gain a strong testimony of the truth of the Church.

Thorsten B. Bartling
Stade, West Germany

Thanks for serving

I just started getting the New Era in April and I read it from cover to cover as soon as it comes. My favorite is Feedback. The New Era has made me a stronger member.

I would like to say thanks to all the missionaries that are serving, have served, or are getting ready to serve. They are wonderful people. I would really like to thank two elders in the Portland Oregon Mission who helped me realize that I am a child of God and that he sent me here for a reason.

Kathie Littrell
White Salmon, Washington

Starting a new life

The New Era has brought such a change in my life! I started receiving the magazine in June 1990. I’ve enjoyed each issue. Some made me cry, some made me laugh, but with each article I felt the Holy Ghost and Heavenly Father’s love.

The stories of the youth who live the gospel inspire me so. I finally realized how far I had let myself slip off the path. I started to pray sincerely, to study the scriptures, and to clean up my act. I had missed the Spirit so much. I broke up with a boy who had different ideas and morals about dating. I’ve stopped drinking and swearing, and I feel good.

Keep the good articles coming. I’m sure there are others like me who need the lift and encouragement they bring. The New Era has helped me start a new life!

Name withheld

Follow the towers

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading “The Towers of Chartres” in the July 1990 issue. I grew to admire Eugene and Katia as I read. Some people worry that the Church may lose its youth. With young people like these two, and many others around the world, I am not concerned. I just pray that the rest of us will follow their examples.

Elder N. Eric Heiselt
Utah Provo Mission

Suited to the Philippines

It’s a wonderful feeling every time I read the New Era. I found the New Era the magazine for me. It sure is a great help and very suited to teenagers around the world like me. Thank you for publishing this beautiful magazine.

Christine Simbit
Manila, Philippines
