December 1990

“Feedback,” New Era, Dec. 1990, 3


A reason for a blessing

I’m 12 years old and have just received my recommend for a patriarchal blessing. I have wanted one since I was eight.

Although I know it is the right time to get the blessing, I didn’t really know what to expect or what it helps you with. Thank goodness for your September 1990 issue. The article “Chart Your Course by It” was excellent. It helped me realize the real value of a patriarchal blessing. Thank you and keep up the good articles.

Emma Price
Hayward, California

Secret subscription

Last year an LDS friend of ours left England to live in Puerto Rico. A few months later we discovered she had given us a subscription to the New Era.

As non-Mormons we didn’t think that we’d enjoy it, but we were wrong. We think it’s a great magazine and it has taught us a lot about Mormons.

Kate Bastock
Suzanne Greatrex
Estelle Marks
Birmingham, England

Reflecting your best

After reading the Feedback about the article “Not Dressed for Success” in your June issue, I went back and read the article more completely. The standards that the New Era expressed are very reasonable. The fact is, most people do judge from the outside first. If you do look too “unique” some people right away assume that you’re bad.

Your hair, makeup, and dress reflect your personality. And hopefully your personality reflects upon your standards. There are many ways to express yourself. Choose wisely so that you are represented the way you truly want to be.

Heather Schenck
Thornton, Colorado

Not your everyday stuff

As I was reading the Feedback section of the September issue I came across two letters about the “Not Dressed for Success” article back in June. After reading the article I have to agree with the New Era editors.

I think the whole idea of this magazine is to give the youth something to read other than the everyday stuff—something that reflects Church standards. If you printed something else it would offend a lot of people.

Frankly I’m glad that you have set such a high standard for the material you print. It makes the New Era just that much more enjoyable to read.

Ann-Marie Hicks
Salt Lake City, Utah

A similar story

The article “The Girl Who Had Everything” in the September 1990 issue is not necessarily fiction. My life is very similar to Courtney’s. My family is very well off and sometimes I am very lax about going to church because my parents aren’t members. Thank you for showing me that I have to go to church and keep up my attendance.

Name Withheld

Impossible to put down

Today, for the first time, I received the New Era magazine. As soon as I read Feedback I knew I would love and cherish this magazine. As I kept reading on I discovered it is practically impossible to put down. The New Era seems to put my worries and troubles out of my mind as the stories tell and teach me new things. I am being blessed through your wonderful work.

Dana Harris
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

My favorite companion

I have been on my mission for nine months and have had many great companions from all different countries, but my favorite companion is the New Era. I look forward to getting shifted to other flats, because each has New Eras that I have not read before.

Your magazine has made me see my mission in a different way. And I am sure all my future investigators thank you too. It is a choice magazine!

Elder David Michel Morrison
New Zealand Christchurch Mission
