March 1991

“Feedback,” New Era, Mar. 1991, 3


A will to win

I’d just like to congratulate Jenny Ireland for her will to win. What a great example she is to us all.

As I read the article (November 1990) I imagined myself without arms. I realized how many things I take for granted. Perhaps what I was most impressed with was her ability to laugh—what a positive attitude. Thank you and good luck, Jenny.

Elder Paul Cazier
Roslindale, Massachusetts

Finding treasure

Through the years I’ve been meaning to write you, to thank the writers of some very special articles you have published for their wonderful work.

Those of you who have a stack of old New Eras that you haven’t read in a long time sitting at home, why not bring a couple out every once in a while and take a look? You may find a hidden treasure.

Mariana Firesen
Mexico City, Mexico

A true friend

The article called “My Friend” in the April 1990 issue really helped me. I am 15 years old, and just went through a period where I was rejected by my friends. The article helped me deal with my unhappiness and low esteem. I also realized there is one friend who is always there for me—the Lord.

Thanks so much. I learn from and enjoy every story printed in the magazine.

Doris Rowse
Glendale, Arizona

Camping in Korea

The New Era is a great magazine. I joined the military about six months ago and recently started a tour in Korea. Last week I got a care package from my mother. She included the October and November issues of the magazine.

The stories boosted me spiritually and I look forward to getting more issues. I have included the New Era in my sources for great spiritual strength.

Galen Beesley
Camp Casey, Korea


I very much enjoyed the article “At the Speed of Light” in the November 1990 issue. I lived in Toronto for a year and had the opportunity to attend the conference. It served as a testimony strengthener, and reading the article brought back many wonderful memories.

Katie Wagaman
Kaysville, Utah


I’m from Auckland, New Zealand, but I’m serving a mission in Christchurch. Your magazine has influenced me in many ways.

Thank you for the New Era and the wonderful articles and photos.

Elder Albert Phipps
New Zealand Christchurch Mission

Musical memories

Thanks for printing “Strawberries and Octaves” in the August issue. It helped me use self-discipline in piano practicing.

Also, the Mormonad in that isuse, “A Little Talent Can Be Big Fun,” was awesome. Thanks for a great, spiritual magazine.

Melanee Corry
Washington Terrace, Utah

Translated message

I just started receiving the New Era in November 1990 and I love it. My favorite was the November Q&A on young men going on missions.

One morning during a sacrament meeting, the speakers were talking about missionary work. They were encouraging all the young men to go. I was watching the interpreter translating the speaker’s words into sign language and I started thinking about my own plans.

My heart swelled with hope and a desire to serve a mission. So I went to talk to my bishop and he encouraged me to go. I finally prayed and decided to go when I turn 19.

Michael Robb
Kalama, Washington
