The Sunday I Discovered the Sabbath
March 1991

“The Sunday I Discovered the Sabbath,” New Era, Mar. 1991, 9

The Sunday I Discovered the Sabbath

If I wasn’t supposed to play hockey on Sunday, what was I supposed to do? And just what was the difference between Sunday and the Sabbath, anyway?

As a convert to the Church, it took some time for me to catch on to all the principles of the gospel. Some commandments and doctrines weren’t clear to me until I had been a member for a while. And so it was with keeping the Sabbath.

Before joining the Church I had led my 4-H club in many Sunday afternoon recreational activities, ranging from touch football to kite flying. I saw nothing wrong with it, even after I joined the Church. I felt it contributed to the solidarity of the club and increased camaraderie between the members. But one Sunday afternoon in particular caused me to think about what I was doing.

The club had tried to organize an ice hockey game, but we were short of players. I had a great idea. Why not call the Harrisons—the branch president’s family? Four of their seven kids were old enough to play. That would double our number, and it would be a good way to acquaint the members of my 4-H club with some Church members. I called Les, who was the oldest, and he eagerly agreed.

But as I stepped into the house while I was waiting for them to gather skates and extra jeans, I could sense something was wrong. President Harrison looked at me with a displeased look, and Les was standing there with a bewildered expression, so I knew I had interrupted a discussion between the two of them. Finally the silence was broken when the good president looked at me and said something to the effect that his children had their agency, but he didn’t approve, and did I know it was Sunday? Three of the four went with me, but by the time I left the house I was feeling pretty guilty.

The experience caused me to attack my newly acquired “reference set” to see what the prophets had said on the subject of the Sabbath. When the Ensign arrived that week and was focused on the Sabbath, I read it from cover to cover in a couple of days. I made an elaborate list of “don’ts” for the Sabbath and resolved I was going to make the Sabbath holy, even if it killed me.

The next Sunday I found myself sitting in my room wondering what to do. Something just didn’t seem right. I was following the letter of the law but not the spirit of the Sabbath, and something was definitely missing. The hockey episode took place near Christmas, and January had its share of Sundays, but no Sabbaths.

With February came Keith, and in our small branch one person can make a lot of difference. He was a convert of five months and had the enthusiasm of four new missionaries all wrapped into one person. So when the college we attended announced a foster grandparent program involving a local rest home, Keith approached me with the idea that we, the only LDS students on campus, should join and be good examples. I suggested we visit the two women who were in our branch who lived there. They couldn’t get to church meetings, and they probably needed us. We talked about it but took no action.

Then one Sunday our high councilor couldn’t make the 30 miles to our branch because of a heavy snow, and President Harrison gave what I am sure was an impromptu talk on faith. He said faith was putting your words and beliefs in action. It was that afternoon that Keith and I decided to visit the sisters in the rest home.

Our first visit was a disaster. We visited each sister alone, and didn’t really get beyond “How are you?” “Fine.” As we left we knew two things: first, that they needed us; and second, that we could do better. We had promised them that we’d return. And even though we spent much of the next Sunday afternoon driving home the 150 miles from district conference, Keith and I convinced Les Harrison, his sister LeAnn, and Portia (a nursing student) to visit the women with us.

We wheeled both sisters into a quiet corner. Keith read an article from a Church magazine, Les read a scripture, and Portia offered a beautiful prayer. We felt good about the experience, and the next Sunday we came with seven Young Adults and youth. Les and Keith blessed and passed the sacrament to the sisters. We then wheeled them into a small chapel in the home and sang a hymn. An article from the Church magazines was read, then a poem and a scripture. We had a closing hymn and prayer.

It was three o’clock before we left and we hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast, so Les invited us all to his house for soup and crackers. That Sunday afternoon I was again in the branch president’s home, only this time it was under much different circumstances. The faithful president had just come home from working at the church, and he and his wife joined us in our meal. During the week the seven of us were scattered about the town, and many of us were without families in the Church. For two hours we sat around the table and talked with each other and Les’s parents. Jokes, stories, and the problems of being lone Latter-day Saints out in “the field” were shared. It was truly an inspiring experience.

Les and I only had an hour to work on our home-study seminary lesson before I had to be back at the church for a branch correlation meeting. It was a good meeting, and it was ten o’clock before I returned home. I had no time left to work on my genealogy or write a letter to a missionary as I had planned.

When I knelt for prayer that night I realized there were more “dos” for the Sabbath than I could ever fit into one short day. I thanked my Heavenly Father for the special day he had set apart to bless us.

Photography by Welden Andersen
