“To Kneel in Family Prayer,” New Era, June 1991, 10–11
Special Issue:
Loving Your Family
In Tune:
To Kneel in Family Prayer
Simply; with feeling
1. Our fam’ly gathers daily to kneel in fam’ly prayer
When love’s flame brightly shines as we join with those who care.
A time of refuge, time of peace, a time of unity—
Our voices reaching t’ward eternity.
2. In times of struggle and when the world’s a lonely place
We kneel and troubles fade as we see each loving face
And in the stillness of the circle, heaven’s voice is heard.
How sweet to hear a Father’s gentle word.
And sometimes when I feel confused, my way does not seem clear,
Until I come with those I love to kneel in fam’ly prayer;
I find my answer there. It fades away my care.
Our fam’ly gathers daily to kneel in fam’ly prayer
When love’s flame brightly shines as we join with those who care.
A time of refuge, time of peace, a time of unity—
Our voices reaching t’ward eternity.
Our voices reaching t’ward eternity.
Copyright © 1990 by Dan Carter. Used by permission. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church and home use.