undefined undefined Feedback
November 1991

“Feedback,” New Era, Nov. 1991, 50


My own good-byes

The article “A Circle of No Good-byes,” in the August 1991 issue helped me get through a hard time in my life. Just a few weeks ago someone very close to me died of leukemia. It was hard to say good-bye, but the article made it a little easier.

Theresa Anderson
Apache Jct., Arizona

My own grizzlies

Thank you so much for “A Grizzly Experience.” The kids in my Sunday School are rude to me sometimes, but I learned they are just my own “grizzlies” in this life.

Name withheld
Tooele, Utah

Making life bearable

I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the article “A Grizzly Experience” in the July 1991 issue. It made me remember that Heavenly Father is always there for us. I realized how much prayer can help.

Lauren Castellazzo
Orange, Connecticut

I can help the earth

My family has a problem with small things like not turning off the lights and leaving on the water when we brush our teeth. When I read the July FYI I knew I could help save the earth. I made a copy of the article, then cut out each section and put them around the house. Thanks!

Anne Parker
Salt Lake City, Utah

For a Florida family

I appreciated your special June issue. I have been praying a long time for help with the problems I was having with my family. I was about to get discouraged, but one day I opened the mailbox and I found a great New Era issue that had a lot of answers! I felt Heavenly Father heard my prayers.

Name withheld
Miami, Florida

Brooklyn life exaggerated

I have always enjoyed your magazine, but I found “Growing in Brooklyn” (May 1991) a bit exaggerated. It portrayed Brooklyn as a terrible place with crime everywhere. This is very untrue. Brooklyn is a great place to live with many wonderful people.

However, most of the article was very good. I enjoyed the testimonies of the young men and women who live in Brooklyn, and I know that it takes courage to stand up for what you believe when you are the only Mormon in your school.

Maryanne Butler
Brooklyn, New York

A similar circus

Thank you for the wonderful article in the July issue entitled “A Good Place to Be.” That Sunday School class circus sounds exactly like mine. Sometimes I wonder about why I even go. From this article I learned that I should go and that I should talk to my Heavenly Father.

Debra Vranes
San Bruno, California

Turkish delight

Thank you for everything you do to make this magazine so great. I’ve heard people say this ample times in the Feedback section, but it’s true.

Sometimes I ask myself, “How could a magazine influence my life?” So I let the New Era sit on my desk for a while before I read it. But as soon as I open it I realize that it is one of the most uplifting and wonderful magazines ever published.

Cheryl Stout
Ankara, Turkey