April 1992

“Feedback,” New Era, Apr. 1992, 50


Don’t leave us out

I read in the December 1991 issue the article “A Do-It-Yourself New Year’s Eve.” What wonderful ideas for spreading holiday cheer with those so far away. However, I was amused to see that the article begins using the word missionaries and ends up saying elders as if the terms are interchangeable. Elders are wonderful people, but I am sure you don’t mean to leave out the other fine servants of the Lord—the couples and sisters—who would love hearing from the ward at home too. The consistent use of the word missionaries would be better inclusive of all of us out in the service of the Lord.

Sister Shawna A. Rea
Micronesia Guam Mission

Curing homesickness

I’m away at school, living quite a distance from home, and it gets very lonely. Recently, while the mail was being passed out, I was feeling especially alone and in need of comfort from my family. I said a small prayer, asking God to please let me receive a letter from home.

When the last letter was passed out, I was disappointed. But the mail carrier still had a magazine folded in her hands. It was my New Era. Father in Heaven had heard my prayer and sent me the greatest letter from home!

Nephi Oliva
Whittier, California

Really praying

Thank you so much for the article “A Change of Heart” published in your November 1991 issue. I am an exchange student on a one-year scholarship in Germany. These first few months have been a little hard for me because it’s my first time away from home and my German vocabulary isn’t that broad. After reading this article, I realized I had the same problem as the sister missionary. I was saying prayers and not really praying. That night, I poured my heart out to my Heavenly Father telling him of my frustrations and problems. For the first time I felt love and peace and an assurance that everything was going to be okay. Danke schön, New Era.

Mary McAvoy
Ramerberg, Germany

Can’t wait to read

I love your magazine. I started receiving it in January of 1991 and can’t wait to read it. The articles and stories are great and interesting. I enjoy looking up the scriptures that are listed in some of the stories. Reading the New Era has helped me a lot with my life.

TruLynn Morgan
Liberty, Idaho

A Mormonad reminder

I want to tell you that I love the New Era and look forward to it every month. I especially like your Mormonads. I have posters of them in my room, and every time I look at them I’m reminded of what choices I should and should not make. Thanks for including them in every issue.

Jennifer Blundern
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

A lesson learned

Thanks for the article in the March 1991 issue “A True Champion.” I was impressed with the way one of the lead players gave up her time for another player so her dying father could see her play one last time. I think it was neat the way she was selfless toward the other player. I learned that being kind because you want to overshadows being nice for some reward. Thanks again.

Peter Nielson
Bluewater, New Mexico
