undefined undefined Feedback
June 1992

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1992, 50


It was wonderful

Thanks for publishing “The Snob” in the February 1992 New Era. It was wonderful. It showed me that I need to be kind to everyone because we are all children of God and none is better than another. Thanks again.

Kara Dixon
Spokane, Washington

After the fall

I wasn’t going to read my New Era last month, but I literally fell onto it and felt that maybe I was supposed to read it. I flipped through it and on page 37 of the March 1992 issue was my personal message for the month. The “Skin Deep” Mormonad hit home because for the last few months, whenever I looked in the mirror, I saw ugly brown hair, a bloated body, and blotchy skin. But now I’m happy to say that when I look in the mirror, all I see is a spirit, sent here by a loving God for some super-still-unknown reason.

Name Withheld
San Diego, California

Tried writing instead

I would like to thank you for the article “A Letter-Perfect Christmas” (Dec. ’91) about the seminary class members who wrote letters to each other instead of giving gifts. I enjoyed the article as did others in my class. So we decided to use this idea, and we really enjoyed it. Thanks so much.

Stephanie Rucker
Pocatello, Idaho


I am overjoyed that you have shed some light on sexual abuse (“Hidden Agony,” Mar. ’92), a subject often left in the dark. I was investigating the Church two years ago, but even though I knew it was true, I felt I was not worthy to receive the blessings given to Heavenly Father’s “clean” children. Later, my bishop approached me and I was ready for him to tell me to repent. Instead, he told me Heavenly Father loves me and this was not my sin. Then he gave me a blessing and I had an overwhelming feeling of comfort. Six months later I was baptized. I feel pure and new again, and my fiancé and I are now looking forward to a temple marriage.

Name Withheld

The perfect article

I had to write and tell you how much I loved John McPherson’s article “Prom Trap” in the February 1992 issue of the New Era. Not only was it the most entertaining story I’ve ever read, but I related to it well. It was the perfect article for a teenagers’ magazine. The New Era has a wonderful balance of inspirational articles that give me help and guidance in my life, as well as funny ones that give me a good laugh.

Carrie Boyer
Salt Lake City, Utah

Came at the right time

Thank you so much for printing “Hidden Agony” in your March 1992 issue. It came at a point in my life when I really needed it the most. My older brother sexually abused me when I was about nine years old. I knew it was wrong, and felt awful and dirty because of it. I felt guilty, worthless, and totally confused. That was nine years ago, and it still affects me. Reading the article helped me realize I am not alone and there are people who understand. I am realizing it was not my fault and that our Father in Heaven understands and still loves me. Thank you very much.

Name Withheld