“Contents,” New Era, Apr. 1993
The Message: The Temple—What It Means to You Elder J. Richard ClarkeBlessings now, blessings in the future—they’re waiting for you in the temple.
How I Know: He Lives Sally J. OdekirkWhen things seemed darkest, my Savior came to my side.
In Tune: The Savior’s Touch
Kerrie Cross
Russian Resolution Anton LyalinHere’s a glimpse of LDS youth in the new Russia.
A Positive Note Jana BrynerHow a simple letter from a friend changed my life.
Q&A: Questions and AnswersI’ve never had a prayer answered. Everybody tells me it can’t be the Lord’s fault, so it must be mine. What am I doing wrong?
MormonadAspire to Something Higher
Lights of the World Lisa A. JohnsonA glowing report of the recent worldwide Young Women celebration.
Ten-dollar Testimony Colleen K. WarrenHow the money got into her pocket was a mystery. The source wasn’t.
Safe at Home Laury LivseyFor the Morrell family, one child’s handicap is everyone’s chance to serve.
FYI: For Your Info
Thanks, Dad Julian DykeAt first his dad’s prayers were embarrassing. Then they were comforting.
Fiction: Monday Is for Abs Jack WeylandSee what happens when a humble RM named David meets a giant ego named Brad.
No Blues in the Bronx Eliza TannerRichard was kicked out of the seminary for joining the LDS Church. (Of course, it was a Catholic seminary.)
Scripture Lifeline: A Calming Answer Katy JollyHer parents were divorcing and she was hurting inside. Was there any hope?
Feedback:Letters to the Editors
Poem: Baptism Raelene Ball
Photo of the Month Stephen B. Allen
Cover: Sindy Milian and Summer Kelly helped shed some light on New York during the worldwide Young Women celebration. See p. 20. Cover photography: Brent Petersen (front), Jed Clark (back).