April 1993

“Feedback,” New Era, Apr. 1993, 50


Listening then doing

I had to write to tell you I appreciated the story “Backstage Pass” in the June 1992 issue. It made me realize that we are blessed with the Lord’s Spirit. If we do listen to the promptings of the Spirit and don’t follow it, then we’re throwing away that gift Heavenly Father has blessed us with.

Abbey Fulton
Webb City, Missouri

Their favorite Mormonad

We really look forward to reading the Mormonad every month. Our favorite was the one about gossip with the picture of the hands covered with tar. It really helped us not gossip. When we’ve heard someone gossiping, we would remember the Mormonad and just leave. We feel that the ads really help us choose right from wrong.

Ursula Rudolph
Dormansland, Surrey, England
Helen MacDonald
Lingfield, Surrey, England

A painful decision

Even with all of the articles you have printed about preparing rather than repairing, I am one who dated a nonmember against the counsel of Church leaders. I’ve been dating a wonderful young man for a year who is devoted to his own Christian church. Now that we’re graduating from high school, questions of “our” future are arising. What was so nice and fun a year ago is now very emotional and serious. I have realized in recent weeks that this relationship has to come to an end. It is terribly painful as I contemplate how hurt he is going to be and how I’ve made him a victim by allowing this relationship to progress. I write this for the benefit of those who are making important decisions in their lives. Remember who you choose to date is vitally important.

Name Withheld

It’s a help

It has been about two months since I became a member of the Church, and I would like to say that I am grateful for the articles I read in the New Era. They help me live the gospel and become a better person. I am proud to tell you that my testimony of the Church is growing every day. This has happened because of prayer and reading the Book of Mormon and the New Era.

Stephen Mumesula
Jinja, Uganda

A way to stop

At the beginning of April, I started praying for a way to stop swearing. The May 1992 issue of the New Era with the article “Profanity” is very special to me. I feel that it was sent from my Heavenly Father especially for me.

Deborah Sadler
Los Banos, California

It brought tears

I would like to thank you for the article “Profanity” (May 1992). I was teaching an investigator who asked me why the Church feels it’s wrong to swear when everyone does it. All that came to mind was this article and these lines: “It’s the same mouth you use to pray, bear testimony, and bless the sacrament.” That’s all I had to say, because tears fell from my investigator’s eyes.

Elder Dwayne Victor
Florida Tampa Mission
