“Contents,” New Era, Aug. 1994
Called to Serve: Howard W. Hunter—A Style of His OwnBoy Scout, bandleader, attorney, Apostle—here’s a look at the fascinating life of the 14th President of the Church.
Called to ServeIntroducing the new First Presidency and Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve.
Contest Winners: Your Creative TouchIntroducing the 1994 New Era contest winners.
My Signature Item Derek TuckerFirst-Place Article: I had to choose an object to represent who I am. What would it be?
Q&A: Questions and AnswersMy friend claims to be an atheist. I want to try to convince her that there is a God. Nothing seems to get through to her. What can I do?
Mormonad: Leave Your Mark
Your CreationsSelected winning photography, art, and poetry entries.
When You Wish Geri ChristensenHow I exchanged envy for satisfaction and got the best of the deal.
Voices of Angels Lisa A. JohnsonSteven, Jeff, and Andrew may not be old, but they’re putting the grand in opera.
Glad Tidings from Cumorah Douglas L. IpsonFirst-Place Hymn
Staying Afloat Justin BerryFirst-Place Fiction: No wonder they’re called life jackets. They’re for life.
FYI: For Your Info
The Carpenter Jennifer P. ZabelFirst-Place Song
Sacred Treasures Truman G. MadsenHow do you know what is truly worthwhile in life? Here are some guidelines.
Front cover: Photos by Welden Andersen, composited by Neil Brown. Back cover: Detail from The Creation of Man by Michelangelo, courtesy Superstock, Inc.