September 1994

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1994, 50


Thank you so much for the article “An Attitude of Gratitude” in the November 1993 issue. I’ve known there was a problem in my life, something that has kept me from feeling the Spirit and progressing spiritually. I think the “attitude of gratitude” is what I have missed in my life. This article talked right to me and helped me answer the question I have been struggling with. Even though my struggle for happiness has only begun, I’m thankful the New Era is helping me get started.

Name Withheld
Fort Riley, Kansas

Good advice

Thanks for the article “Hard to Stop” about Kalin Hall in the November 1993 issue. I really learned a lot about faith and how we should plant a seed in our hearts and help it grow. I enjoyed the part where Brother Hall said we should be our own person and be leaders. I feel this is something that can help me here on my mission in Arkansas.

Elder Dwight Cornell
Arkansas Little Rock Mission

Standing up for what’s right

I’d like to thank you for putting “Why Work?” in the November 1993 issue. Elder J. Ballard Washburn served here in Africa in the area presidency with my dad, and when Sister Janette C. Hales came from America for a Young Women’s seminar, she told the same story that appeared in the New Era. I don’t think Elder Washburn realized what a big example he was setting when he stood up for what he knew was right. Thanks to Elder Washburn for what he did.

Michelle Bonnet
Johannesburg, South Africa

A different Christmas

Thank you so much for the December 1993 Mormonad “The Reason for the Season.” I’m probably one of the many who used to think Christmas was for receiving. Jesus gave his life for everyone. His love is the deepest and his gift is the greatest. This was the first Christmas for me that I really knew the “reason for the season.”

Name Withheld
Vista, California

Only four more years

I’m very thankful for the New Era. It really helps me a lot when I’m down or in trouble. I always dream about being a missionary, and even though I’m just 15 years old, I love to do missionary work. I want to thank the New Era for the article in the November 1993 issue “Angels by My Side.” Reading this has given me more courage to approach others about the gospel.

William Loke Ying Chiang
Perak, Malaysia

Not all are like that

The second and third paragraphs of “How Does He Do It?” (Nov. 1993) stood out like a sore thumb. The way the article is worded makes it sound as if all people with artificial limbs—except Darrin Shamo—are angry, sad, depressed, and gloomy. I don’t have an artificial limb, but I did have leukemia, and I do have several friends who have artificial limbs. And all of them are happy and cheerful. The major reason they are so happy is the same reason I am: we have all gone to death’s edge and returned. I am so thankful to God and his priesthood power here on earth. I do appreciate the article on Darrin and appreciate your ear.

Elder Chris Kent Dummar
Colorado Denver North Mission
