“Contents,” New Era, Mar. 1995
The Message: Happy Landing Elder Dieter F. UchtdorfTo get to the right destination, you have to follow the correct course.
Some Friendly Advice Chris CroweWant to have good friends? Want to be one? Here are some valuable tips.
Telling Aaron J. TolsonMy buddy was stealing beer, so I did him a big favor. I got him fired.
Focus On: Friendship—Just Ask Lisa M. GroverMindy knows you sometimes have to reach out to others—especially from a wheelchair.
Q&A: Questions and AnswersHow do I know when I’ve done all that I can to teach someone the gospel and should ease off since they are not listening?
Mormonad: A Word of Wisdom
Armful of Love Miles T. TuasonAn earthquake took Elder Cayetano’s arm, but gave him a new heart.
How I Know: Testimony of Thousands Catherine RossHow did I know the Church is true? The proof was all around me.
Living on the Edge Larry A. HillerAlbany, Australia, is not the end of the world. It’s the beginning of something great.
FYI: For Your Info
About Face Lowell L. HamblinThe way I looked was really affecting me—until Mr. Taylor taught me a valuable truth.
The Rewards of a Ward Sister Virginia H. PearceHow your ward or branch can be a great source of strength to you.
Fiction: Instant Replay Alma J. YatesTen seconds left, a one-point lead, and much more than a basketball game at stake.
FeedbackLetters to the editors
Poem: Snails and Time Julie Doane
Photo of the Month Laird Roberts
Cover: Aaron Ferris of Albany, Western Australia, aboard what might be called a “friend” ship. See “Living on the Edge,” p. 28. Cover photography: Larry A. Hiller (front), Matt Reier (back).