undefined undefined Feedback
March 1995

“Feedback,” New Era, Mar. 1995, 50


A lot to think about

I really enjoyed the special New Era issue about the Aaronic Priesthood from last year (May 1993). I was just ordained a deacon. After I read it, it helped me think more seriously about the priesthood I hold. My dad is the bishop, and he gives all the new deacons this special issue. I think all Aaronic Priesthood holders should read this issue.

Gabriel Olsen
Alberta, Canada

A peacefulness came

You are truly amazing. Thank you for printing the April 1994 special issue about Jesus Christ. I was having some problems deciding my plans for the next year in school when I picked up my New Era and saw the Mormonad “You Are Never Alone.” Once I read it, a peacefulness came over me and I realized that Jesus is not going to leave when we need him. We need to turn to him and have faith that he knows what’s best for us. The Mormonad poster came to me at the best time. I hung it in my room to remind me every day that I am not alone.

Lucie Peterson
Benecia, California

Missed the positive spirit

I just wanted to express my appreciation for your wonderful magazine. It brings so much warmth and love into my life. Last year I was unable to receive the New Era because of certain circumstances, and I missed the positive spirit that accompanies each issue. Luckily for Christmas I was able to receive a renewal of my subscription. Yesterday, I found my New Era in the mail and was ecstatic. Thank you for your inspiring articles and clever and uplifting Mormonads.

Amanda Terry
Fresno, California

A mood fixer

The articles in your magazine are so inspiring, and they uplift my spirits so much. When I am feeling down or in a bad mood I just go and get the magazine and read those awesome Mormonads. I just wanted to say thank you for your magazine. It helps me so much.

Kami Jensen
Blackfoot, Idaho

Reading it again

The New Era is a wonderful magazine. I am so glad I came back to read it. I quit reading it in 1991, and my dad decided to subscribe again just for me. During the last three years, everything had changed in my life and I am much better than before. Now I am looking forward to the next month’s magazine.

Tricia Saumweber
St. Paul, Minnesota

Longed for the same feeling

I read the story in the October 1993 issue called “They Have Quarterbacks in Heaven.” As I read the last two paragraphs, my eyes filled with tears and I longed for the same feeling of caring for someone else besides myself. I made a promise in my heart to greet each person I see with the same love Heavenly Father would show for me. It is through articles and stories like this that we grow in our testimony, ponder it in our hearts, and find peace.

Jake Anderson
Hawthorne, Nevada