May 1995

“Feedback,” New Era, May 1995, 50


Stand for what she believes

I really appreciate your printing the story “Picture This” in the September 1994 issue. That story taught me to stand up for what I believe, and that not all peer pressure is bad. Some people I know who are LDS don’t always act like it, and I think sometimes I might have been that way. This story has influenced me to try to be more like the Savior. Thanks a lot.

Shalyn Parkinson
Arco, Idaho

Most effective

Thank you for the article “Get to the Point” in the September 1994 issue. As a full-time missionary, I know member-missionary work is the best and most effective way to bring people into the Church. Thank you for the article. It will help many people share the gospel.

Elder Zachary Church
California Carlsbad Mission

Truly inspiring

Each month when I receive the New Era, the first thing I turn to is the Mormonad. The Mormonads are truly inspiring and give great suggestions for living a righteous life. I received 12 Mormonads for Christmas, and have five of them hanging in my bedroom. Each time I look at them it gives me encouragement to choose the right.

Christina Johnson
Redmond, Washington

Editor’s Note: A new set of Mormonad posters has just been published. They are available through Church distribution centers.

It’s much more

I wanted to thank you and Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin for the article “Priceless Integrity” (July 1994). This article has had such an influence on me for the better. I used to think integrity simply meant honesty. Yet after I read this I found it’s much, much more. I learned that integrity is fragile an priceless. Anytime you decide to break a promise, cheat on a test, or swear—even when nobody else is around—you’ve lost it.

Katie Bangerter
Highland, Utah

Still has the touch

I converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during the summer of 1980 at the age of 13. One of the things the missionaries who taught me did, besides bringing the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ into my life, was to give me a subscription to the New Era. For the next six years, this fantastic magazine served as a pillar in my life, many times providing me spiritual strength when I needed it most. I somehow lost touch with the New Era many years ago. Now I’m reading the New Era again, and it still has the Master’s touch—just as it did 14 years ago. Even though I’m now 27, the pages of your magazine still come alive for me with so much of our Savior’s love. Thank you so much for the wonderful job you do in providing such a powerful spiritual tool to the youth of the Church—even the “youth” who are a little bit older.

Scott L. Gibson
Salt Lake City, Utah

The best missionary work

I would like to thank you for the article “No Pain, No Gain” in the September 1994 issue. It was an uplifting story that left me with a warm feeling for the rest of the day. It showed me that sometimes the best missionary work is friendship and love.

Julina Magnusson
Carpinteria, California
