The Experiment
June 1995

“The Experiment,” New Era, June 1995, 15

Special Issue:
The Scriptures—Written for You

The Experiment

I decided to find out what happens when you add scripture reading to a too-busy schedule.

I have found happiness in doing as the prophet asks, so when President Ezra Taft Benson urged us to read the scriptures every single day, I wanted to do this.

But I began making up excuses. I went about my busy days as usual. I decided that I had too much homework to begin my scripture study that day. I did this for weeks, even months, while my conscience ate away at me.

One night while I was frustrated over my math homework, I knelt in prayer to ask for strength. When I looked up, the first thing I saw was the Book of Mormon sitting on my dresser. I picked it up and began to read, not really knowing why since I had a lot of math left to do. I finished a chapter in 1 Nephi, then went back to my treacherous math problem. I found I could solve it.

I made a decision to be obedient. I would read the Book of Mormon each night aside from my regular studies. Then I would see if taking the time to study the scriptures had any effect on my grades. I found that this habit of reading every night, even though it took some time, helped me achieve more academically. I was able to understand and have the patience to stick with my work. Not only did my grades improve, but I was easier to get along with and happier than I have ever been.

Reading the scriptures didn’t cause my grades to improve directly. I still had to do the work for myself. But the blessing that came from reading gave me that extra push. It motivated me in ways that nothing else could.

If you need a little help in your busy life, try the experiment. I’m sure you will see a positive difference in some aspect of your life. The prophet knew what he was talking about when he gave us this challenge. Try it.

Illustrated by Cary Henrie
