undefined undefined Feedback
September 1995

“Feedback,” New Era, Sept. 1995, 50


She can find a way

I loved the stories “Foreign Exchange” and “Wai Not” (Nov. 1994). I want to go into a foreign exchange program, and I was worried that I would have a hard time finding ways to get to church. “Wai Not” has kind of helped me realize that I can find a way and that some people will respect me for going.

Kristy Gasser
Elkton, Maryland

Touching lives

On behalf of myself and others, I would like to thank you for all the wonderful stories, jokes, and songs that you provide in the New Era. Your Mormonisms are funny and always seem to brighten my day. Your stories are helpful to people in need, and the songs are always beautiful. Thank you for touching so many lives.

Kelly Davis
Rixeyville, Virginia

Took the idea

I’m so thankful for the New Era. It is such great reading material and is just what I’ve been needing during my second year of middle school, especially with all the garbage in this world. I decided to take the idea from your September 1994 article “Picture This” and pin a picture of Christ in my locker.

Courtni Hawkes
Poway, California

Most excellent

We’ve always had the New Era sitting around our house for as long as I can remember. For the first time I decided to pick up an issue and read a few of the articles and stories. I found them to be helpful for handling all different types of situations in life. And the Mormonads are most motivating—a definite breakthrough for Church media.

Brian Davenport
Provo, Utah

A little diversity

I am a teacher at a private, not-for-profit juvenile detention facility which serves young men of all races and creeds ages 16–18. I have Mormonad posters hanging all over the walls of my room, and I keep copies of the New Era for inmates’ use during free reading time. The only complaint I get from other staff members about the Mormonad posters is their overall lack of ethnic variety. The only poster in the new Set C that is ethnically representative is the “Family Photo” (July 1992) Mormonad. I find the message of most of the posters applicable to all youth—even those not of our faith. Since the Church is expanding to all corners of the earth, wouldn’t these messages be more effectively communicated if all races were given equal representation? I hope to be able to continue to use these posters, but feel that many of my young men would be more willing to accept a message coming from a face they can relate to.

Joan Kleinman
Oracle, Arizona

Same situation

As I read the article “The Different One” (Feb. 1994), I realized that the situation depicted was the same as mine. For three days, I felt down and depressed, praying and waiting for an answer. That article was surely an answer for me. Mine is a battle between choosing to have no friends, or having the wrong kind of friends. I found out I need not settle between the two because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are there for me. I’m not alone.

Ammy Alburo
Queens, New York