August 1996

“Feedback,” New Era, Aug. 1996, 50


In word and in deed

I just wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed the article in the October 1995 issue “I Know the Feeling.” I have also been a member my whole life but had only recently begun to truly live the gospel in word and in deed. I knew I had a testimony of the truth of the gospel, but I couldn’t be sure if I knew because of the Spirit or because of the radical changes that took place in my life because of my decision to live the gospel. The expression “I really feel the Spirit” seemed to be something I could never truthfully say. I longed for the warmth and peace I had supposed I had only read about. Brother Aaron Lee Shill’s article helped me realize my problem was not in feeling the Spirit, but in recognizing it.

Meghan Forinash
Great Falls, Virginia

Absolutely love

I absolutely love the pictures and poems that are printed in the back of the magazine each month. My favorite was the November 1995 issue. Every month I tear out the back page and put it in my notebook.

Tiffany Williams
Long Beach, California

It’s great

I wanted to write to the New Era and thank you for the excellent magazine put out each month. I was recently baptized, and a friend gave me a subscription as a gift. It’s been such a testimony builder as I read the personal stories and experiences of others. It’s great to know that other LDS youth experience some of the same day-to-day problems I do. Thanks.

Jennifer O’Camb
Cedar City, Utah

So absorbed

I am writing to express my appreciation for your excellent magazine. I am a regular subscriber to the Ensign. It is just by coincidence that I “discovered” the New Era. While visiting one of my home teaching families, I noticed the then current issue (July 1995) of the New Era. I became so absorbed in the magazine that I immediately subscribed. I have discovered that the articles are often as applicable to adults as to the youth. It has proven to be a help to me in my home teaching endeavors.

Tom Porter
Fort Wayne, Indiana

Right decisions

I would like to thank you for the wonderful magazine the New Era is. I just entered Young Women, and it is so much fun to be able to find an uplifting magazine to read. The New Era sets the greatest example and influence on me and helps me make the right decisions.

Angie Dixon
Mesa, Arizona

Inviting the Spirit

I am our ward’s music coordinator, and I am very impressed with the song “Walking in His Father’s Footsteps” (Aug. 1995). I am 17, and I know what an influence these songs have on the youth in the Church and how these sweet songs can invite the Spirit. With the bishop’s permission, our seminary choir sang this song in sacrament meeting, and I believe everybody in attendance felt the Spirit.

Dereth Burnett
Jacksonville, Illinois


In the January 1996 New Era, “The Times of Our Life” section stated that President Harold B. Lee died in 1974. He actually passed away in 1973. We apologize for the error.
