February 1998

“Feedback,” New Era, Feb. 1998, 50


Loved the scripture

Thank you for the article “What’s the Use?” (Feb. 1997). I’m not in a foreign land, but missionary work is hard. I get discouraged sometimes when people either don’t want to hear or don’t believe what I’m telling them. I really loved the scripture (Alma 26:29–30) that was used in the story. That scripture has really helped me a lot.

Sister Holly Johnson
California Fresno Mission

Taking up a collection

Thanks for putting the Mormonads in each issue of the New Era. I began collecting them on my 12th birthday. I especially like the mini-Mormonads that appeared in the March 1997 issue. Keep up the great work.

Richard Quiner
Homer, Alaska

Awesome effort

I wrote quite a while ago requesting a special issue on temples. Maybe my letter wasn’t the source of the idea or influence, but when I received the March 1997 issue, I was extremely excited to see it was all about temples. Going to the temple has always been a high goal of mine. But now I have this issue to help me prepare along the way. Thank you very much for the awesome effort of everyone that contributes to the New Era.

Dolcie H. Thompson
Phoenix, Arizona

Never imagined

I never imagined I would be thanking you for an article in the New Era, much less for an entire issue. I finally sat down and read the March 1997 issue cover to cover, and it was a great help to me. I wish I had read this issue when I first got it because it may have kept me out of the trouble I got in. I have been struggling with many things. Once a semester, we go on a trip to the temple in Washington, D.C. Because of my actions, I was unable to attend the trip this semester. The March issue’s articles on the temple increased my desire to be worthy to return to the temple. The stories “At the Crossroads” and “Dangerous Question” helped make a very tough decision a lot easier. Thank you again for a great issue. It has helped me tremendously in my struggle to get back on the straight and narrow path.

Name Withheld
New York

A neat person

I just want to thank you for putting together a great magazine that I look forward to reading every month. I also want to thank you for the article about President Hinckley and his grandchildren (Apr. 1997). It helped me know him better and to realize what a neat person he is.

Alicia Trimble
The Woodlands, Texas

Power they have

When I read the article “ ’Tis Sweet to Sing” (Apr. 1997), it really made me stop and think about the hymns that I sing in Young Women and in sacrament meeting. Before, I didn’t think about the words in the hymns and what they meant. Now, after a hymn is over, I will open my scriptures and read the verse that goes with the hymn. Some of the hymns have helped me to strengthen my testimony. They have also helped me realize what the Savior has done for me. I am now more appreciative and grateful for Church hymns and the power they have on me and other people.

Kerry Swenson
Salt Lake City, Utah
