“Feedback,” New Era, Apr. 1998, 50
Timely help
I have been reading the New Era for a few years, and it has really helped me in my life. Thanks for all that you have done. I would like to especially thank you for printing the Questions and Answers in the October 1997 issue. It really helped me out and couldn’t have come at a better time.
Shawn Camp
Regina, New Mexico
Looking forward
Thank you for the wonderful articles. I couldn’t really find anything I wanted to read until I saw a New Era on the table. I was only 11 at the time and the only Church magazine I knew about was the Friend. I have enjoyed reading all of the magazines I get and I’m looking forward to more New Eras.
Kara Luke
Augusta, Michigan
You can and you will
I just wanted to write and tell you how greatly I enjoyed the How I Know called “Feed the Flame” (July 1997). Right before I received this issue, I had been pondering why I haven’t received such an answer. This article brought such peace to my heart that we all have different ways of gaining our testimonies. I also know if you have the desire to gain a testimony, you will. I really enjoy the New Era and everything about the Church.
Julie Johnson
Lannett, Alabama
As the Lord sees
Thank you for printing the Scripture Lifeline “Triumph” (Aug. 1997). I’ve never had high self-esteem and am always comparing myself to others. Every time I do this, I feel worse about myself and think no one likes me, and I start not liking myself. But after reading this message, I think I am starting to see myself as the Lord would look at me.
Name Withheld
San Diego, California
Winning the struggle
Thank you for “Triumph” in the August 1997 issue. I can relate to how she feels. I am clinically depressed and have struggled with self-confidence every day of my life. It’s comforting to know that others understand my pain. I can sincerely say that the scriptures and the gospel, along with my family’s love, have kept me alive the past six years.
Name Withheld
Was missing out
For a long time I’ve felt rejected by most circles of friends just because they don’t usually think to invite me into most of their activities. Then I went to my first youth conference and discovered there are some really nice and welcoming people out there. I also read an article called “Saturday-Morning Cartoons” (Aug. 1997) and decided that I was really missing out on a lot of fun. My hardships, I realized, were my own fault.
Ella Allred
Haines, Alaska
I was most impressed by the article about President Gordon B. Hinckley and his grandchildren. It was so awesome to hear about him as a grandpa. Thank you so much.
Bobbidee Brown
Logan, Utah
So good
I really enjoy the New Era. My favorite issue is December 1995. I always feel so good when I read it.
Nicholette Wood
Kearns, Utah