November 1998

“Feedback,” New Era, Nov. 1998, 50


Looks forward

I have been getting your magazine for about a year now, and I love it. It gives me something to look forward to from month to month. I really like the Mormonads and Mormonisms. But my favorite story was probably “In Black and White” (Jan. 1998). I think it is great the way Sharla keeps a journal. I have been keeping one for several years. I stumble sometimes, but not for long. Your story was another reminder for me to keep writing in my own journal.

Angela Eckman
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania

On your mark

I was really impressed with the article “Hitting the Mark” in the October 1997 issue. I have found the list titled “Staying Close” to be very helpful. Each morning I read the list, and it serves as a great reminder of how to be more in tune with the Spirit, deal with life’s challenges, and have a better love for everyone.

Elder David Powell
Canada Winnipeg Mission

Wrong and scary

I want to thank you for printing the story “Courting Disaster” in the February 1998 magazine. That young woman in the story sounded just like me, except I was only in seventh grade. It had been that summer that I had had some problems with necking and petting. That was almost two years ago. I had felt bad about it until I did repent. What I had done haunted me until then, and I could totally relate to the girl in that story. I felt better after repenting, and I want to say to all of the youth that they should stay away from those kinds of situations because it is wrong and extremely scary.

Name Withheld

Changed view

I didn’t think a magazine could do so much good in my life. Every single issue has been a blessing. I especially thank you for “Somebody’s Going to Get Hurt” (Sept. 1997) and “Leave It Alone” (Jan. 1995). They have completely changed my view of TV and movies. It’s sad the things they show today. After reading these articles, I’ve committed myself to staying completely away from media that takes the Spirit away. “Leave It Alone” made me realize how awful some things are. I’m still working, and it’s hard to give up movies I like. So thanks a thousand times for a wonderful magazine.

Name Withheld

Lessons learned

Thank you for printing the article “An Instrument in His Hands” (Nov. 1997). I have played the piano since I was about four or five years old. I am still taking lessons and I enjoy (almost) every minute of it. I understand how music, if used correctly, can be another form of worship that can touch lives. Even at my age, my small musical talent has blessed my life as well as the lives of others. It is nice to hear of another person who shares my interests and feelings.

LaChelle Manwill
Salt Lake City, Utah

A scary thing

I first want to thank you guys for printing the story “Save My Mom” in the March 1998 New Era. It really touched my heart. Recently my parents were hospitalized in critical condition. Having parents who are sick is a scary thing. But like what the person in the story said, Jesus Christ knows our troubles and hardships. That trial made our family stronger and much closer and open with each other. Thanks to you, I’m learning a lot from each story I read.

Annabelle Teh
Manila, Philippines
