December 1998

“Feedback,” New Era, Dec. 1998, 50


Needed a boost

I was feeling a huge urge for a spirituality boost one evening when I picked up the New Era and began to read it. I came across the story “Carrying On” in the October 1997 issue. It just melted my heart, and I got more than the boost I was expecting. Many years ago I lost two valuable people in my life, and the story helped comfort me to know that my family members were taken into the care of Heavenly Father. It was a great story to publish. I love this magazine.

Margaret Letoa Siau
Wellington, New Zealand

Not scared

It’s 4:50 A.M. and I have spent the last hour devouring two issues of the New Era. I woke up and was scared. I was about to wake up my sister when I decided to read. I saw the New Era next to my bed, and I opened it. I read it cover to cover, then read the other issue. Now I’m not scared at all. The New Era is really uplifting.

Brianne Purcella
Anchorage, Alaska

Need good examples

I am very grateful for the articles you publish. I’ve been a Church member for about 10 years and this magazine has truly inspired me. “The Turnaround” in the April 1998 issue was a great example of conversion and member missionary work. We all need to be good examples to others. Thanks again.

Maria Hernandez
Jacksonville, Alabama

Interesting change

About one and a half years ago I moved to Bermuda. Along with the normal hardships and adjustment of moving to a new country, I also left a ward where I had many good LDS friends to come to a tiny branch where I am the only active teenager. I love the New Era. The things I read from it have comforted and strengthened me many times. The New Era also makes me smile a lot. Thank you so much. Things here are going well, the branch is growing slowly but surely, and I am learning a lot and having many wonderful and interesting experiences.

Tori Sealock
Warwick, Bermuda

Purpose on earth

Thank you for all your hard work in putting together the New Era. The problems you address in the magazine are real, and it helps to have a modern source to look to. I am personally thankful for the New Era because it reminds me of my purpose on earth—to return to my Father in Heaven.

Rachel Black
Murray, Utah


I would just like to thank you for printing the article “The 100th Sheep” (Mar. 1998). I am a missionary, and I see firsthand how important fellowshipping is. Thank you for bringing that to everyone’s attention. I pray that many people read it and apply its teachings.

Elder Drew Wolsey
Utah Ogden Mission

Answers to questions

I enjoy reading and pondering the inspiring messages that I read each month, and I like Q&A. It has really helped me find answers to most of the questions which trouble me. I’m so grateful for the New Era.

Hans Afram Akosah
Accra, Ghana
