The Bulletin Board
January 1999

“The Bulletin Board,” New Era, Jan. 1999, 38

The Bulletin Board

Keeping You Posted

Bearing Up Burdens

Janelle Rountree went several extra miles in a recent effort at giving service to the community. This Laurel from Oregon City, Oregon, gathered more than 400 teddy bears, donated by friends, neighbors, and local businesses, to be given away by firemen and policemen to young children in distress.


Alice Dennis, a Beehive from Flagstaff, Arizona, combined an interest in science with an interest in family history. Alice was recently chosen to name a newly discovered asteroid as part of Flagstaff’s Festival of Science. Using the Gaelic word tursachan, ‘standing stones,’ Alice gave a nod to her Scottish heritage.

New Year’s Tip:

Practice a new skill this year by using thee and thine instead of you and yours when you pray. It may seem a little strange at first, but after you get the hang of it, it’s easy. If you’re not sure how to correctly use the special language of prayer, ask your parents or leaders for help.


These Laurels in the Fresno California North Stake are real winners. Not only do they play varsity basketball at Buchanan High in Clovis, California, but they are great students. Their team has the second highest grade point average of any girls’ varsity basketball team in the entire state (they missed first place by just one hundredth of a percent). All of the girls also attend early-morning seminary.

Deep in the Heart of Russia

Stephen Studevan, a priest in the Parkwood Ward, Austin Texas Oak Hills Stake, will be a long way from home when he visits Russia as a member of an international language competition team. Stephen won his spot on the team by demonstrating outstanding proficiency in speaking Russian.

School Boarding

Michael Greenstreet, a priest from Pylesville, Maryland, represents the 38,000 students in his school district as a member of the school board. Being a part of the board will include meetings, votes, and social activities—things that will make being a member of this board anything but boring.
