“Idea List: Game Plan: Good Sportsmanship,” New Era, Mar. 1999, 15
Idea List:
Game Plan: Good Sportsmanship
Sports can be a fun way to stay in shape, make friends, and develop teamwork. Here are some tips that can make everyone a winner, whether you’re on the championship team or just playing a game of pickup:
Work on strategies that involve the whole team.
At Church-sponsored games, always begin with a prayer.
Before any game or contest, shake hands with the opposing players.
Always use language that is both clean and kind.
Compliment good plays, no matter who makes them.
Make sure everyone gets a chance to play.
Whatever happens, hold onto your cool. If tempers start to flare, take a break.
Keep a sense of humor.
Unless you’re the coach, don’t tell others how to play.
Remember teamwork! No one likes a ball hog, so pass it.
Be optimistic. Maintain that winning attitude, even if you’re far behind.
Show a little compassion. If you’re bigger than the other team or pounding them on the scoreboard, it’s definitely time to let up.
Don’t try to hurt others. If you hurt someone accidentally, apologize sincerely.
Respect the rules and the officials.
If it’s possible, have a third party keep score.
Above all, be honest and play fair. Cheaters never win, even when they get a higher score.
Illustrated by Paul Mann