June 1999

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1999, 50


The importance of testimony

I would like to thank you so much for the story “The Answer in Section 6” (November 1998). Not very long ago I was struggling with my testimony. I was having questions and doubts. Recently I started realizing how important having a testimony is. This story really opened my eyes. I now know that I’m not alone and that I can search for guidance through scriptures and prayer.

Karen Ruhr
Salem, Oregon

Good work

I would like to thank you for the good work that was done on the September 1998 issue. All of the articles had an awesome spirit. I want to thank the author of the song “Somewhere There’s Somebody Waiting.” I was really touched. I enjoyed this issue.

Elder Reed Dowdle
Philippines Quezon City Mission

Standards compare

For the most part I thought the August 1998 New Era was an excellent one. However, I took issue with the implication in “The Promise” that members should date only other members. My father’s employment with the United States government requires that we frequently live in countries with relatively few English-speaking LDS youth. However I know and have known in the past many fine, upstanding non-Mormon youth, both Christian and otherwise, who I am proud to call my friends. Many of these are young women whom I had no reservation in dating once I turned 16. Furthermore, I have never been taught by my teachers, bishopric, or parents that I should not date nonmembers, so long as their standards compare favorably to my own.

Daniel Jackson
Bangkok, Thailand

Service ace

I’ve always thought that service is a great thing to do and by doing service you will obtain blessings. But I had never really strived to go the extra mile. Now that I am in Young Women, it’s a goal for me to do more service. I must make service a daily happening in my life. The New Era‘s stories are a true blessing because knowing of other people’s experiences with daily choices makes me strive to choose the right.

Catherine Hinson
Monroe, North Carolina

A big help

I’ve learned many things from the New Era. Every time I read the articles I feel happy. I’m a missionary and you have brought changes to my life. I would like to thank you for all the things you are sharing with us. All of your articles are a big help, and I thank you for all the things the magazine teaches and the knowledge and strength it gives me.

Sister Josephine C. Valles
Philippines Ilagan Mission

First one

The November 1998 issue is the first New Era I’ve ever received. I really enjoyed the articles “Stand as a Witness,” “Do a Lot Moore,” and “Go the Extra Mile.” I really liked this issue and hope everyone else did too. Keep up the good work.

Megan Hunsaker
Tremonton, Utah
