On Driving Me Crazy
November 1999

“On Driving Me Crazy,” New Era, Nov. 1999, 51

On Driving Me Crazy

The speedometer rises to reach a new height.

My heart is pounding. I’m crazy with fright.

Against my own will—I cannot slow down.

I’m heading for even worse traffic downtown.

The gas pedal’s floored; the brake won’t be had.

This situation could quickly turn bad.

If I should cause an accident or two,

I’ll be charged with the crime—but what can I do?

I can’t find the brakes. My sanity’s passed.

I had no idea I could drive this fast.

A few blocks ahead of me, I see a car.

I’m getting there quickly; I’m not very far

From bashing into it and making a mess.

Oh! I knew I couldn’t pass my driving test.
