Idea List: Reach Out
February 2000

“Idea List: Reach Out,” New Era, Feb. 2000, 11

Idea List:

Reach Out

This month, New Era readers share ideas on how to reach out to nonmembers, new converts, and less-active members. One reader from Bellevue, Nebraska, learned from her formerly less-active friends that “one of the top things that kept them from coming was that they didn’t feel welcomed.” Here are ways to help others feel they’re a welcome part of your ward:

  • A friendly smile goes a long way.

  • Introduce yourself and your friends; help them feel they’re part of the group.

  • Sit next to them during class and fill them in on what’s going on. Offer to answer any questions they may have.

  • Don’t judge. Accept and love them. Help them to feel wanted.

  • Call and offer rides to church, activities, firesides, and camps.

  • At church functions, be a friend. Really get to know them and help them feel at home.

  • Pray for them.

  • When someone misses church, send a card. Each Sunday, a Young Women class in Gahanna, Ohio, writes a card to each young woman who isn’t there that day. They express their love, tell the person they’re missed, and invite them to the next church function.

  • Invite them to do things outside of church activities, like going to lunch, movies, dances, or sporting events; or invite them to your home to hang out.

  • Make an effort to talk with them regularly. Say hello to them at school. Phone them just to chat as friends.

  • Remember birthdays.

  • Don’t ask right off, “Why don’t you come to church?” First, show them you really care about them.

  • Give service, like helping with school problems, leaving a plate of cookies on their doorstep, or visiting them.

  • Invite them to a family home evening.

  • If you’re class or quorum president, prayerfully consider choosing a recent convert to be your counselor or class secretary.
