Of All Things
February 2000

“Of All Things,” New Era, Feb. 2000, 38

Of All Things

Keep Us Posted

Is there something going on in your ward or stake that you think is exciting? Do you know someone who goes the extra mile? Is there something special you’ve done to strengthen your testimony? Are you planning an unusual activity? We’d love to hear about it. Write to us at the New Era, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84150; or e-mail us at newera@ldschurch.org

Never Alone

When four-year-old Rachael Dredge of Livonia, Michigan, was having trouble going to sleep one night, her mother told her to say a prayer and ask Heavenly Father for help. When Rachael’s mother later returned to check on her daughter, she found Rachael curled up with her favorite Mormonad.

Smoke Screen

Next time someone tries to tell you that smoking is a good way to drop pounds, here’s a fact you might want to share. Most girls who pick up the habit say they do so to lose weight, but they’re 30 percent more likely to be overweight than girls who don’t smoke.

Great Stuff

The New Era in braille? That’s just one item you’ve probably never heard of that’s available from the Church distribution centers. Other items of interest for teens are Mormonad cards and posters, with interchangeable frames to fit the posters perfectly; Young Women theme, logo, and age-group symbol posters and stickers; back issues of the New Era and audiocassette versions for the blind; Church videos, literature, and art; audiocassettes of general conference and the general Young Women meeting; the Book of Mormon on compact disc … the list goes on and on. To order a catalog, contact your local distribution center, or, in the U.S. and Canada, call toll-free 1-800-537-5971.

Believe in Yourself

Believe in yourself, my brothers and sisters. You are a child of God. You do have something of divinity within you. Believe in your capacity to do great and good things.”—President Gordon B. Hinckley (Ensign, July 1998, 4)

Increase Your Feelings of Self-Worth

  1. Whenever you start thinking negative thoughts about yourself, turn it around and think of all the good things you have to offer.

  2. Accept compliments with a smile and a “thank you.”

  3. Through prayer, seek to feel Heavenly Father’s love for you.

  4. Spend more time with friends who uplift and support you and less with those who don’t.

  5. Project confidence. Stand up straight and use good posture. Smile and be friendly with others.

  6. Exercise regularly. It’s good for the mind and body, and you’ll feel better about yourself.

  7. Don’t be harsh with yourself. Learn to be able to laugh at yourself.

  8. Reward yourself when you achieve a hard-earned goal.

  9. Serve others. It’ll turn your attention away from yourself, and knowing you’ve helped someone else will make you feel great about who you are.

  10. Learn to excel in a subject, sport, or skill that really interests you.
